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hola. i was just wondering how much buggier the mac version is compared to the pc. i was a hardcore fan a while back when my pc could actually handle eq lol i had a 65 bard with epic, all the tov armor, ect on fennin. far have people gotten on this server and how many people are usualy on ect? im one of those people who never sleeps lol. i bought it online and it should be here the 16th. time to start up a bard again yay. think itll run decent on a 1.2ghz g4 ibook with 768mb of ram? im new to macs lol but hey itll run better than the 400mhz computer i used to run pc eq on. toots ^_^<br />
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should run fine, the bugs are mostly like PoP keys being broken, sound not working, chat channels not working, basically stuff not completely finished. its not as bad as people say, and they claim that they are going to fix the problems soon.<br /><br />as far as where temerity is, we are getting up to the point where your bard was. as on the front page, temerity recently killed the warders in sleepers tomb.<br /><br /><br />--------------------------<br>
UnRetired member of Temerity<br>
<font color="#eeeeff" size="1">if you can read this, you're browsing the web wrong.</font>
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woot another fennin veteran, hope to see you around<br />
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assuming that your iBook has a 32MB video card, you will run fine with old models and a fast UI.<br /><br /><br />-Cadsuane<BR><FONT color=darkred>Holy necromancer of jebus</FONT>
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I have a 1 ghz powerbook G4 with 1 gig of RAM. I run with all hq models, and don't have much problem with lag. I'd expect your machine to run EQ quite well.<br /><br /><br />-- <a href="" target="new">Bastette</a> of Medivh<br>-- <a href="" target="new">Bastette</a> of Al'Kabor<br>
<form name="bastette"><select name="skills"> <option>Grand Master Chef (250) w/Trophy</option><option>Master Potter (198)</option><option>Master Brewer (187)</option><option>Master Jeweler (183)</option><option>Master Smith (168)</option><option>Master Fletcher (162)</option><option>Master Tailor (160)</option><option>Master Fisher (104)</option></select></form>
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cool thanks for all that ^_^ it should be in tomorrow haha...hopefully nobody stole my bards name :-p id be sad if i cant use it haha. nothing around here sells mac software tho 0_o damn this massachussetts haha. and lameni im me on aim if you want<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_grin.gif"> zaslek810. i wonder if i knew you on fennin, i got around a lot haha you remember akepella?<br />
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<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>woot another fennin veteran, hope to see you around<hr></div></center> in Fennin Ro? That was my server.
You'll be fine with your iBook (the cutest portable in the whole wide world, btw). Welcome, Switcher! You'll be very happy with your new Mac.
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<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>woot another fennin veteran, hope to see you around<hr></div></center> in Fennin Ro? That was my server.
You'll be fine with your iBook (the cutest portable in the whole wide world, btw). Welcome, Switcher! You'll be very happy with your new Mac.
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Cool, I played on Fennin Ro too (though mostly on Ayonae Ro).<br /><br /><br />Every time you don't donate me your posessions, I kill a kitten.
Irrik Endil
Lvl 46 Shadow Knight
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Eqmac runs fairly clean, the main problems being the sound bug (which has a hack that fixes it, i havent personally installed it, might wanna ask around), and lag in the following zones, PoK, all zones past Shar Vahl (luclin), bazaar is laggy, most of the planes run clean (thank god).<br /><br /><br /><a href="">Hunter Beiel Truesight</a href><br>
lvl 65+50 Forest Stalker of Karana<br>
210 Fletching, 113 Tailoring, 122 Pottery