Wake the sleeper
If Temerity is to continue raiding, we need to regain healing and tank power. Vector will be our only full-time Cleric when the holidays are over. If Darden comes back from his WoW break, he will be our only Warrior tank. We have Mechaike and Redleaf for Druid healing and Corinth and Darin as Paladin tanks. With our remaining DPS and support classes, we can take Tier 3 and possibly Tier 4, with some luck.<br /><br />We have a raid scheduled for 12/24 in PoFear. Let's use that raid to assess our current force.<br /><br />The process of rebuilding our raid force will involve bringing up or recruiting full-time Warriors and Clerics. At our former recruiting rate, it will be close to a year before we have a Tier 7 guild.<br /><br />In any case, January 1st is too early to decide the future of the guild. We need to wait until at least the middle of the month. To make things easier, people HAVE TO UPDATE THEIR ROSTER ENTRIES! If you're here, make sure you are listed on the roster. If you are leaving, remove your name from the roster (a message in the afk section is nice, too).<br /><br /><br /><a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=820004">Nikolai Lianfyrr</a>,<br>
Khati Sha Feral Lord<br>
<SELECT name=NikSkills> <OPTION selected>Nik's Tradeskills:<OPTION>Grand Master Tailor (250)<OPTION>Grand Master Potter (250)<OPTION>Grand Master Brewer (250)<OPTION>Master Smith (238)<OPTION>Master Fletcher (207)<OPTION>Grand Master Fisher (200)<OPTION>Master Jeweler (200)<OPTION>Master Chef (200)</OPTION></SELECT>

Mang it seems you have a huge chip on your shoulders and its time to relax a bit. When a much needed tank and former officer of the guild wants to come back and get together and do ANYTHING lest accept the idea with open arms. You said yourself look at the interest that has been generated from people we havnt seen or heard from in a long time. NEWSFLASH thats EXACTLY what temerity needs...something that can bring excitment back into temerity. Now is NOT the time for resentment or negative thinking. Now is the time to say HEY GREAT IDEA what an awesome way to bring in the new year and bring old friends back into the fold...i cant possible think of a better way. It CLEARLY has peaked the interest of the membership and my god thats EXACTLY what we want. To go and piss people off about something that could be wonderful to our guild is moronic and antiproductive..you bitch about tanks yet when our strongest tank in the guild suggests getting together once again like the old days to do something fun he is being blasted..stupid stupid stupid.....<br />

Briz, he knows what you mean, but all Mang is prolly thinking is that once everyone has come back to wake the sleeper. BAM. thats it, they all go back to not being online again. I see people here offering to wake the sleeper. I dont see people here offering to wake the sleeper and then come back to start raiding again. <br /><br />I see waking the sleeper as perhaps being an end to temerity, not something to keep it going. Just my thoughts... I dont mean to be as selfish to claim it would actually happen or anything.<br /><br />If people are willing to accept that after the sleeper is woken itll be back to the normal not being online anymore, then sure, but not much has been accomplished then? Apart from having fun which it would surely be.<br /><br />I say this calmly with open arms to ideas not in an angry stubborn never-change-your-mind way, btw.<br /><br /><br /><font color="purple"><b><i></i></b></font><marquee><font color="purple"><b><i><small>Soul </small></i></b></font></marquee><font color="black"><br> •<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1170329">Soul Destroyer</a> 65 SHM<br>•<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1178033">Trog</a> 65 SK<br>•<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1277406">Rhaughne Dragonlord</a> 65 BL<br><b><i><small><font color="black">-Friend of the Horde-<br>-Member of Temerity-
</font></small></i></b></font><br><br><img src="http://www.geocities.com/dragonfeelwebsite/allyourbase.jpg">

Where's the chip? Don't misinterpret attitudes with opinions, Briz.<br />I can think of many other things that could make the guild more upbeat. Can you? Seriously, stop trying to believe this is going to put things back to the way they used to be. I've yet to hear any response to whether this is one final wipe before subscriptions end or whether peeps are planning on coming back. Since many subscriptions end in January, i can only presume it's for a last hurrah. And that doesn't appeal to me in the slightest bit.<br />I'm surprised you, Briz can actually believe it's going to make peeps return. If this is a kick off raid, then sure. But, I'm doubting it.<br /><br /><br /><br><br><br><br>
<u><b><a href='http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1256880'>Lich Mangroas AnkleBiter the Courageous</a></b></u>

My answer is there is only one way to find out..... and NOT doing it will help how again? The arguement about equiptment availability after killing the sleeper has been sufficiently debunked over these last few pages and beyond that cant think of one good reason NOT to do this....We earned our way into the Sleepers domain unlike any other guild on the entire server, and we should have the right and opportunity to kill it. Whats left for you to complain about?<br />

he needs a hug and a lollipop.<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________<br><br><a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=768984">Can Dual Wield AND carry a dozen donuts.</a><em>- <br></em><br>Give up that bitter black urine men call coffee. Ahh. Java devil, you are now my bitch.<br>--- <em><strong>The Tick<br></strong></em><br><a href="http://www.thetick.ws/wavs/lep1/comprehend.wav">Tick sound bite</a><br><br><br>

<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>he needs a hug and a lollipop.<hr></div></center>

Nah, I can't have sweets but thanks, Gnat.

I never said Tem didn't earn the right, Briz. We wake the Sleeper, is that the end of it? Is Gnat and Clarity reguilding? Would it bring back Cads, Tofu, Build, Oompah and the sorts permanently? I'm doubting it.

A LOT of us got our EMP key, why not attempt that? Something active folks really want to see.

But whatever. I believe this would be Tem's last hurrah. Sad, but the motive just feels like that. Make believe this will revitalize the raiding guild known as Temerity. Prove people wrong. But those who are actually active probably don't have that great a feeling about a "reunion" like this. Don't want opinions in the future. Don't post and ask for them.<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_wink.gif"><br /><br /><br /><br><br><br><br>
<u><b><a href='http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1256880'>Lich Mangroas AnkleBiter the Courageous</a></b></u>

Fuck it, let's just do it outside of a Temerity context then and organize it on eqmac.<br /><br /><br />Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.<br>

Count me in<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"><br />

I honestly feel that <B>IF</B> we wake the Sleeper, it will signal the end of Temerity, and of EQMac. it would send a message that "We're done." For this reason, I'd really prefer that we postpone any such decision until well after the New Year.<br /><br />There will still be a number of die-hards that stick around until the plug is pulled on the server, but they will never be able to gather a sufficient raid force to go beyond Stormhammer Tier 3 or 4.<br /><br />The observant among you will note that I said "they", not "we". If we wake the Sleeper, I'm done. Personally, I'd like to see us make an honest assessment of how many people we actually have left before we take the drastic step of waking the Sleeper.<br /><br />The real reason I'll attribute for the death of the server will not be WoW. Rather, it will be because SOE chose not to sell the game. Hobart did his best to bring in new customers, but his efforts cannot counter the simple losses the server suffers due to attrition.<br /><br /><br /><a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=820004">Nikolai Lianfyrr</a>,<br>
Khati Sha Feral Lord<br>
<SELECT name=NikSkills> <OPTION selected>Nik's Tradeskills:<OPTION>Grand Master Tailor (250)<OPTION>Grand Master Potter (250)<OPTION>Grand Master Brewer (250)<OPTION>Master Smith (238)<OPTION>Master Fletcher (207)<OPTION>Grand Master Fisher (200)<OPTION>Master Jeweler (200)<OPTION>Master Chef (200)</OPTION></SELECT>

I'm sure it will come as no surprise that I have an opinion about this too.<br /><br />I agree with Soul, Mangroas (dont faint Mang), Dani, Zorblak, Nik, and a host of others who find this to be an ill-timed suggestion, of questionable motives. We'll look forward to Gnatzilla joining us for a raid on the Sleeper, at another time. We'll make sure to keep him on the invitation list.<br /><br />Nik is right in some ways about the reasons for server drop-off, but the story is deeper than that. What we are seeing in drop-off is the unfortunate collision of a triad of variables.<br /><br />1. due to SOE's lack of responsiveness and care for our server and the Macintosh client base. (they dont even sell EQ Mac on their website anymore)<br />2. due to the release of WoW.<br />3. due to the natural life-cycle of mmorpg's, which according to the academic literature have a population turnover every 16-months. That is not to say that there are not die-hard devotees who make-up the core community. They dont, however, make-up the majority of the users. After 16-months, many people get bored or burn-out and either leave a game to find another one, or take a serious hiatus (the public release date of EQ MAC was about 16-months ago). <br /><br />As many long-term games (you know, the ones with expansions and updates) get a constant flow of new players, the drop off isnt as dramatic, as one what we are seeing.<br /><br />Any one of these variables will impact the general population of a game environment, all three at the same time, as you are seeing, is devastating.<br /><br /><br />----- "I don't say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought to look as if we could." ...Orson Welles -----

Yes my plan for world dominion has been unearthed my motives become clear. Even now&nbsp;I move to enslave your children through rock music and your&nbsp;woman with&nbsp;the mind control chemicals in their hair care products.&nbsp;<BR><BR>DC reminds me of&nbsp;Aselm they want all the shit but they don't want to work for it.&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR><br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________<br><br><a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=768984">Can Dual Wield AND carry a dozen donuts.</a><em>- <br></em><br>Give up that bitter black urine men call coffee. Ahh. Java devil, you are now my bitch.<br>--- <em><strong>The Tick<br></strong></em><br><a href="http://www.thetick.ws/wavs/lep1/comprehend.wav">Tick sound bite</a><br><br><br>

<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>Yes my plan for world dominion has been unearthed my motives become clear. Even now I move to enslave your children through rock music and your woman with the mind control chemicals in their hair care products. <BR><BR>DC reminds me of Aselm they want all the shit but they don't want to work for it. <BR><hr></div></center>


Geez.. I said we'd invite you.


Poor Aselm isnt even in the thread.... LOL<br /><br /><br />----- "I don't say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought to look as if we could." ...Orson Welles -----

(1) I think it'd be cool to wake the sleeper<br /><br />(2) Were I not on a break I'd think it was cool to wake the sleeper<br /><br />(3) if we do it I'm there, <b>but:</b><br /><br />(4) Niko's post (bottom of page 4) was really really friggin compelling. So... yeah, what Niko said, he's changed my opinion on this.<br /><br /><br />--<BR>
<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=881745">Kyth</a>, Officer of Temerity<BR>
Random quote: (<a href="http://www.frivolity.com/eq/eqq/sq.cgi">Click here to view all quotes</a>)<BR>
<img src="http://www.frivolity.com/eq/eqq/q.gif">

<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br> Brizbane wrote: When a much needed tank and former officer of the guild wants to come back and get together and do ANYTHING lest accept the idea with open arms. <hr></div></center>

OMG Briz get off of all fours and stop kissing Gnats Ass!!!<br />

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