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I got a PM from Mahlkier, of the Lollipop guild, today, bringing up that question. Like me, he still plays WoW but finds EQ to be a more engaging game. But, to quote him:<br /><br /><i>"I have my doubts about the long term viability of Al'Kabor, but haven't really been able to fully embrace WoW either...sigh."</i><br /><br /><br />My response (expanded out a bit here; base assumption I'm making is that I do indeed want to play EQ):<br /><br />It's trite to say that all things will come to an end, but they will. And you don't know how it's gonna end. I may become paralyzed in a car accident tomorrow and never play EQ again. I might finally give in and shoot the guy who cuts me off when I'm driving to work, and I don't think they allow EQ in prison.<br /><br />None of what we invest here matters in the long term for our lives anyways. None of it. In the same way that, really, very little of what we do in our lives is lasting in any meaningful, material way, and any bit of it can end, in some fashion, very abruptly.<br /><br />All we are building, all we have, is friendships and memories, and they will be built and we will be able to keep them regardless of whether the server ends 3 months, 6 months, or 5 years from now.<br /><br /><br /><a HREF="/Guild.aspx?GuildID=8186&TabID=66474">This is why I still play on Al`Kabor.</a><br /><br /><a href="">This is why I still play on Al`Kabor.</a><br /><br /><a href="">This is why I still play on Al`Kabor.</a><br /><br />(pretend this is a link to my IM buddies list) This is why I still play on Al`Kabor.<br /><br /><br />--<BR>
<a href="">Kyth</a>, Officer of Temerity<BR>
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This is really funny, but I was getting ready ot make a similar post
(just finished my sammiches post) and saw this one. My response
is not directly related to what you said but they tie together so
better to post here than start a new thread.<br>
I've been having a real blast again in EQ. Temerity feels great
to me again. We have some really great people here. I want
to thank ALL of you for making my virtual game time fun. All of
you bring something to this game and therefore to me. You are why
I still play this time sucking game. Thank you all.<br>
No, we really do not know how long Al'Kabor will continue. It
could be another week, it could be several years. None of us
know. It really does not matter except that when the game ends, a
lot of friendships will slowly fade away. Hence my thanking all
of you.<br>
I've met a number of you in RL, and who would have thunk I'd ever do
something like that. I've stayed in some people's homes, and I've
had a couple of you at my place. It is time I will always
This is why I play on Al'Kabor.<br><br /><br /><br />--<br><a href="" target="new"><font color="#0000ff">SunRa Wosret</font></a> <br>Feral Lord, Gnome Eater<br><a href="" target="new"><font color="#0000ff">Sekhmet Geb</font></a> <br>64 Tree Hugger<br><font size="2"><strong>"Live fast, die young and leave a magnificent looking corpse."<br><img alt="" src="" align="bottom" border="0" hspace="0"></strong></font>
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its why i constantly troll the forums.<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_grin.gif"><br /><br /><br />--------------------------<br>
UnRetired member of Temerity<br>
<font color="#eeeeff" size="1">if you can read this, you're browsing the web wrong.</font>
Hey Everyone!<br /><br />Long time.... L Well I just started playng WoW and I like it quite a bit. I think everything is superiot to EQ EXCEPT.... <br /><br />- The community is not as strong (could be just that I am a noob)<br />- Its not online D&D which is what I like about EQ. <br /><br />That sais... I will not ever come back to EQ. Just way too down time in the game. and besides.. I deleted warg<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_sad.gif"><br /><br />Well look me up on Silver Moon as Wargon!<br /><br />Warg<br />
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What a delightfully depressing thread.<br><br /><br /><br />Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.<br>
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<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br> Just way too down time in the game. and besides.. I deleted warg<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_sad.gif">
Well look me up on Silver Moon as Wargon!
I find the downtime to no longer be an issue in EQ unless you solo all
the time. One thing Temerity has been great about is that there
is always a group to be formed and we kill fast. We are killing
mobs as fast or close to as fast as you do in WoW. Exp a problem?
Well since coming back to EQ (and still playing WoW part time) I've
gone from lev 62 with 41AAs to lev 65 with 64AAs. This was about
6 weeks worth the play.<br>
I cringed everytime someone destroyed their character because of
WoW. I'm sure some will be kicking themselves in the arse when
they want to play EQ again. EQ and WoW are different games, but I
find EQ to be the more rewarding because you DO have to work for
character development. I just find WoW to be a fun game, but too
easy. It's a great break from EQ, but to me, it's not a
replacement.<br><br /><br /><br />Hunter Brein Leifson<br><br>
yes i agree wow and eq are differnt games. what i ment by downtime though was things like farming, having to be online to sell in the bazaar, zoning, hour long corpse runs, traveling, ect ect. All these things that take so much time away from playing the game have been improved in wow. anyway I dont want to get int a wow vs. eq discussion. they are different games and people will play each for different reasons. I feel the same as the first poster. I have serious doubts about the future of eq for the mac. although i ahve not yet fully embraced wow yet either, i know blizzard is committed to it and i think the game will only get better.<br /><br />I just wanted to say that i deleted warg long before i played wow. I did it when i decided that i no longer wanted to play eq. I offered my account to the guild but no one wanted to take it over.<br /><br />anyway, gratz to Tem for all the recent accomplishments!!!<br /><br /><br />Warg<br />
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<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>yes i agree wow and eq are differnt games. what i ment by downtime though was things like...<hr></div></center>
farming - yes, this is called 'Questing' in WoW.
having to be online to sell in the bazaar - auction house isnt that great.. its better but not that great
zoning - at least EQ has PoK and such.. zoning is not that huge a problem in EQ really its just impressive its not in WoW.
hour long corpse runs - hour long corpse camps (dont give me that carebare BS)
traveling - see zoning
ect ect. - ect ect. to you too.<br /><br /><br />--------------------------<br>
UnRetired member of Temerity<br>
<font color="#eeeeff" size="1">if you can read this, you're browsing the web wrong.</font>
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Come back when you've healed UBRS as the only priest in a two-group raid or participated in a Molten Core run and tell me WoW's easy.<br /><br />But Brein's definitely right as far as character development goes... Once you achieve level 60, you're done with talents and are pretty much destined to participate in instances/quests solely to obtain better gear. Character development comes in the form of obtaining better gear to do tougher instances with less people and farming 800gp for your epic rider. And alts for some people.<br /><br />Definitely different games for different moments/people. It's probably true that Temerity raids are as fast-paced as the content we're tackling in WoW, but don't let anyone tell you WoW is easy.<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_wink.gif"><br /><br />Btw...<br /><br />SEX<br /><br /><br /><hr align="left" noshade size="1" width="30%">
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This probably wont make alot of sence but the main difference to me <guild members aside> is when i get an item on a Temerity raid that item is like OMG and an object of admiration and is fun to show off etc.<br /> Getting the 5th magistar set piece isnt nearly as exciting for some reason. I dont really have very many cool stories of what i did to aquire "X" piece except" yea....and on the 145th baron kill i got my pants." Meh.<br />
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Speaking of gear: Ever notice in WoW that you look forward to certain gear and you tradeskill up to make that gear. Then once you can make the gear it has no resale value because 100 other people are making the same damn thing? I'm a tribal leatherworker in WoW and even though I specialized, there are so many that can make what I do that it's pointless to try to sell in the auction. The gear is nice to make for youself and guildmates, but that's as far as it goes because it's so easy to max out your skills that once you hit 60 your skills are usually close to max also. I'm still level 50 but only because I chose to level slow. My play time is still only about 12 days /played. I'm over 100 on Brein and that's without being a bazaar trader.<br /><br /><br />Hunter Brein Leifson<br><br>
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You're correct on every point. There's a few mostly-common tradeskilled items that sell well on every server (dragonscale stuff is great for Shamans until they're able to obtain Elemental set), but the really good tradeskilled stuff can only be crafted after finding a rare recipe that usually only drops in UBRS/Scholomance/Stratholme/etc. I've seen quite a few epic-quality recipes for armorsmith and axesmithing, but not more than one or two for leatherworking. Sadly, the most desired items at these levels are mostly smithed stuff, anyway. The last "Annihilator" weapon sold for a few hundred gold on my server.<br /><br /><br /><hr align="left" noshade size="1" width="30%">
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I think the last two points bring out what I consider to be a critical weakness in WoW.<br /><br />Namely, that there is not a market or need to support leveling players.<br /><br />Two reasons for this IMO.<br /><br />1) The levels CAN be so quick that in amazingly short periods new players can be at levels where the best gear is soulbound (for the non-WoW crowd, think No Drop) and is obtained via instances.<br /><br />2) There are so many servers that the new influx of players is very, very low on most servers. 1000 players a week sign up (totally off the wall number, for illustration purposes) on 50+ realms means 20 players per realm per week. The current WoW economy and structure supports and almost forces players to "go it alone" s they level. Eventually, they'll get picked up by a guild and have a pool of resources available. Still, that does nothing to foster any sort of market or production environment. Verant (and later Sony) discovered quickly that a strong, flexible marketplace brought with it a level of activity that was felt by all levels of players.<br /><br />WoW doesn't have that and I cannot see a way for them to get it.<br /><br /><br />The person formerly known as Vector
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i play cause i like killing my group members. never fails to be amusing. hehe.<br /><br /><br />Mechaike <a href="" target="magelo"><u>Magelo</u></a> // Katitonic-bot <a href=""><u>Magelo</u></a> <br>
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As Vector says: playing two clerics means double the number of tanks you can kill!<br /><br /><br />--<BR>
<a href="">Kyth</a>, Officer of Temerity<BR>
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