Grats to Bloodletter on soloing Lodi
I just wanted to give a big pat on the back to Bloodletter for soloing Lodi. It was quite a sight so see, especially since he didn't need his backup pet or anything but self-buffs. That's quite a feat for a beastlord, I'm impressed.

Cool! Grats Bloodletter!!!
Bora Gann
Warrior of Rallos Zek

That is pretty impressive, BL!

I've seen Deths do it a ton of times, so to me, it's almost a coming of age for your character where you begin to learn your limits and are more comfortable taking risks to expand those limits.

Just think, soon, you'll be soloing other raid targets! Big Grin

Fantastic's the turtle soup? Wink
Rheyn O'Seelen [Barbarian Prophet of the 65th rite](retired)
Onyanka D`Ssussun [Dark Elf Cleric of the 31st rung] & Nana [Halfling Druid of the 12th circle]
[Image: th_Bronies-tolerateandlove.jpg]

Grats BL!! Hopefully you won't run into any of Lodi's relatives in Jamaica ;-)
Amazing feat to kill the turtle--you go!

It was actually much easier than i thought it would be. I pet tanked him down to abt 60% and while i had the mana to continue that untill he was dead I decided to start to melee him the rest of the way.

It was a big realization of where Blood has come since i started to play EQ and Lodi was a GOD... Though to be honest I think it might be harder to solo a Razorfiend in PoV than Lodi.. they certainly hit harder.
Main -
Bloodletter The (65 Beastlord of Temerity

Alts -
Bloodletter The (65 Beastlord of Temerity)
Doerden Bloodless (65 Necromancer of Temerity)
Itunes (65 Bard of Temerity
Spie VSpie (42 Rogue of Temerity)
Starsha Wrote:p.s. mental note, don't piss of BL, he'll come after me with teeth, claws, and the law!

Bloodletter Wrote:Though to be honest I think it might be harder to solo a Razorfiend in PoV than Lodi.. they certainly hit harder.

Grats man, I'd have to agree about the fiend thing though!

It is a great barometer to return to old targets that you've killed from way back when to now, to see how gear, levels and AAs have really done the job.

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

One day you'll be able to solo VZ, R1, R2, etc, etc.. like I did every week to keep Tem and DC from getting the spawn. Wink

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