we haven't done one of these in a while
AAs we will never see ever
Add your contribution at random

Reverse summoning
Req mana burn and level 61
Instead of you stealing aggro and being summoned, you summon the mob, saving time and effort on everyone behalf.

Wear plate
Req lvl 65
Allows you to dawn ceramic plates and simular dinner dishs making your ac way higher than wearing a few pieces of chain
(Gotta keep the ranjas lamely nerfed)

Survival instincts
Req level 65 and lightning reflexs AA (maxed)
Allows you to better dodge insects landing on you, thus decreasing your chance of dieing so much.

Super Glue
Req lvl 55
Instantly makes everyone in the zone give you their wallets, thus saving you time and not holding up the raid.

Summon Duct Tape
Req level 60
This gives you the ability to summon duct tape, thus finally shutting up all those mod rod burning mana sponges and people who wait 2 minutes before engage to ask for a summoned item.

Summon cookie
Req level 52
This will actually be the first ability you can get. This way when you start effin whining about how hard it is to be you, you don't have to wait on someone to give you a cookie, you'll already have one.

Summon Garcia
Required level 65 and 6 AAs into the general AA structure (class only)
This summons the spirit of jerry garcia, for those emergancys of when your "supply" runs low and you haven't the time to run to the bazaar or plane of growth.
2 day refresh timer

Proc usefullnes
Req level 65 and must have 24 aas spent in every AA section
This abilty adds an ability to your weapons that does the following
At first rank hits you with a decent heal over time
At second rank procs a 68.983742104937% slow
At third rank procs mana burn!1!!111!!!! (To bad you don't have any mana. Can we say nerf?)
At fourth rank procs gate, leaving your party totally helpless as you luagh at them while the roll in after you to the soul binder, totally naked.

Shadow Knight
A clue
Req lvl 52
This gives you insight into what clerics REALLY think of your so beloved class and shows you how much of a mana burner you really are. Its a good thing you hold aggro so well, cuase if you were a warrior they would be dead.

Beast Lord
Req lvl 52
Oh wait that's already here, its called paragon........hmm ill get back to you on this one.

Spawn minion raid
Req lvl 65 and all class and archetype AAs
Ok. You've made it this far. So you deserve it you uber nerd you. Here is the ability to spawn your own uber raid force that won't compete with you for phat lewtz and you don't have to back flag/key/gear.
Your never gonna get laid though.
Refresh timer 3 days

Divine strength
Req lvl 65
Actually gives you some dps! *snicker*

Buff timer
Req level 52
Places a timer over people heads letting you know when sta falls
The pre nerf version of this has a bug that lets you ninja buff the clerics and they can't check any logs/scripts to see who did it.

Poo fling
Req lvl 55
Allows you to summon and fling high physical and disease damage fecal matter to through. (I can't mess with our monks)

Hrm I can't think of any other classes. Please add your ownas well.

You've been on a roll recently.. you putting off something really important? Big Grin

Either way, I'm enjoying your work - it's already at least a bulkpack. :p

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

Spinja Wrote:Shadow Knight
A clue
Req lvl 52
This gives you insight into what clerics REALLY think of your so beloved class and shows you how much of a mana burner you really are. Its a good thing you hold aggro so well, cuase if you were a warrior they would be dead.

Hmm, where do I start with this nonsense?!? Not only do we GIVE mana to clerics in the group, we actually dont even NEED clerics in the group. (Thiklan will back me up on this one) As far as I am concerned they are just taking the place of more dps. Its a good thing they have those hammer pets, at least they do something positive for a group!!

Yeah, I said it.

What you gonna say about that Timmy?!?

*Please note: the above comments do not reflect SKs love of clerics for their rezzing abilities.

Mordo Wrote:*Please note: the above comments do not reflect SKs love of clerics for their rezzing abilities.

Perin  Perrin Goldeneyes 
The pInking'Gnomerlord & Short-Bus Operator


Perrin Wrote:sissy


5 points to perrin

Spinja Wrote:At fourth rank procs gate, leaving your party totally helpless as you luagh at them while the roll in after you to the soul binder, totally naked.
awww what a shame...

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