Went LD and had a Great Day!!
Thanks to Redleaf, Corba, Mechaike, and Corinth for all the fun today screwing around in tactics.

Thanks to Sikkiri (soul) and Oompah and uerinka for the buffs after my deaths.

I was enjoying dying in PoTactics with Redleaf and whoever we could convince to die with us when...

A freaking awesome storm came through my area and knocked out power for 5 hours. I helped with chain saws and clearing in the neighborhood, went to the local drinking hole/pizza joint, hung out with them, helped them make subs when a biker rally parked there to get out of the rain, went swimming in the owners pool, drank free beer. Now i'm home and ready to see whats going on in the EQworld.

What an awesome day, great EQ then great weather, then great neighbor time.

Heh I was at a outdoor birthday party for my fiance's neice's in N Syracuse. It was fun trying to move everything indoors so quickly when the huge wids started up. They ended up uprooting a tent and dropping many branches all over the neighborhood.

it was INTENSE!!! for our area. How long were you without power over there?

We lost power for just about a minute. Then everything came back on again. But om my way home I noticed a lot of the street lights heading back to 481 were toast and so were a lot of businesses.

Caughdenoy road to route 11, bear road, route 31 got blasted.

That wa a lot of fun Jan. perhaps I'll sneak on tomorrow afternoon to see if there is more trouble to get in to.

(It was exciting to see all the new faces in the guild too, we have some very cool new/er/ish people in our ranks)

Heh my brother and the girls and I were at the Renaissance Fair in Sterling, and we heard it rolling in. We decided to head out around 2:30, just as the skies open up.

I haven't seen lightning like that in a LONG time! As I headed home towards B'Ville, the power was out all over the place, but apparently not in my area... Not a clock was blinking.

Sounds like you had a great time Jan... Beer, chainsaws, pizza... How will you ever top that???

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