More things I've learned in Temerity
Tem's always been a family guild. It seems that at any given point in time, there's at least one member in the family way. We show our solicitous concern for their well being through our caring and supportive comments.
[Image: kellsbaby2.gif]

[Image: maternityarmor.gif]

Not that we have any expectations regarding our errr... expectant players.
[Image: kellsbaby1.gif]

The health of our guild members is always paramount in our priorities.
[Image: traps.gif]

[Image: doorbell.gif]

And we always say No to drugs... I mean rugs.
[Image: guildonrugs.gif]

[Image: carpet.gif]

Remember we're all human, and there are times when everyone needs a hug.
[Image: 4armedhug.gif]

The strict attention we give to important details is part of what make Temerity such a great raid guild.
[Image: fashion.gif]

[Image: shissarbreath.gif]

We've learned to wait patiently while problems on the raid are being resolved, without causing undue distractions, or giving people grief if they died.
[Image: door.gif]

[Image: janvz.gif]

EQ is a roleplaying game, and we encourage people to embrace the RP aspect as much as possible. Why just the other day in Ssra we were getting into the spirit of the zone.
[Image: snakesinpot.gif]

[Image: snakesondoor.gif]

[Image: snakesintube.gif]

[Image: snaketheatre.gif]

It all just goes to show that you have to pay attention, because you never know when you might learn a valuable lesson, or when I might do a screen capture. Big Grin
• Socratus Wittgenstein - Retired.
• Zinovya - Human Cleric...err...Holy Paladin
• Dominica - Draenei Mage
Shield of Azeroth, Alleria

And there’s a hand my trusty friend!  And gives a hand o’ thine!
And we’ll take a right good-will draught, for auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

Well, as a matter of course, I spam guild and group chat as much as I can to try and appear in these quotes. Obviously, it doesn't seem to work.

Thanks for the laughs, Socs Smile

Saenayil Wrote:Well, as a matter of course, I spam guild and group chat as much as I can to try and appear in these quotes. Obviously, it doesn't seem to work.

Obviously you have to say something funny.
Bora Gann
Warrior of Rallos Zek

Bora Wrote:you have to say something funny.

LOL Good ones Socs. Big Grin
~~~ On Indefinite Hiatus ~~~
Huntress Kelluae Shadetree, Forest Stalker
Alts: Lanfear - Ella - Graendel - Shassa - Ondott - Sanika
Trader: Korra

WoW Alter Ego:
Illyx, Draenei Shaman

Saenayil Wrote:Well, as a matter of course, I spam guild and group chat as much as I can to try and appear in these quotes. Obviously, it doesn't seem to work.

You get your wish, you now have a screenshot in my rotation. Big Grin

[Image: q-screenshot-this.png]

Wookie is just this guy, ya know.


Thanks for that Socs...!

Good times... Big Grin

EDIT: HAHA, nice! Finally, Saenayil is immortalized! :p
Rheyn O'Seelen [Barbarian Prophet of the 65th rite](retired)
Onyanka D`Ssussun [Dark Elf Cleric of the 31st rung] & Nana [Halfling Druid of the 12th circle]
[Image: th_Bronies-tolerateandlove.jpg]


Great quote-sleuthing Socs, each one of those screenies is equally as funny as a good joke.

Needless to say I laughed my a$$ off.

/em tips his hat

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