More new AA's that we will never see
From the bards via Steel Warrior and Outrider:

Note: Not subject to NDA!

Obviously some of these are subject to change, but as of now, below are Serpent Spine AAs and other sundries as they currently exist on the test server.


See Inevitability

This ability saves you from gearing up people who are only going to go back to WoW once they’ve maxed level again.

Racial Reassignment

This ability allows you to convert your novelty alt into a Drakkin, carrying over level and gear, so you won’t feel you wasted all the effort you put into your cute li’l Garden Gnome Shadow Knight.


Train Spotting

This ability temporarily renders your pull untargetable by paladins or any warrior who actually remembered to bring some arrows.


Basket on the Doorstep

This ability allows you to assign ownership of your pet to somebody else, so they’ll take the blame when Xibantik attacks OMM while the guild is still deciding who gets the loot from AMV.


Cleansing of the Micro-Upgrades

This ability allows you to take the 1,136 no-trade weapons in your bank and hand them to venders in exchange for something more useful, like water or nodding blue lilies.


EQ for Dummies

This ability forces target waste-of-bandwidth to learn how to play their class instead spending all their time screaming for a bard nerf.

Improved Fade

This ability makes the Devs forget about bards completely, so they won’t mess with things that work just fine. Improved Fade only costs one mana, since bards are 99% forgotten already.

Illusion: Cookie Cutter

This ability allows you to research your songs from level 71-75.


Clump Dump

This ability allows you to set your pet’s litter box as a trap. Since you haven’t cleaned it in five years, the damage potential is astounding.


Demonic Battleaxe

This ability allows you to wield your mother-in-law. Mother-in-law is a 2h blunt (very blunt). Second level adds Constant Nag proc, which compels the target to drink too much and punch holes in the drywall.


Boxing Day Returns

This ability allows you to rez the raid target so your guild can kill it again and maybe this time get decent drops.

Blessed are the Meek

This ability gives you invis, IVU, lev and bard speed and reduces mob agro range to one inch, increasing your chance of safely crossing a zone by almost 3%!


Yesterday’s Enterprise

This ability allows you to once again rake in vast quantities of platinum just by standing at the druid ring in West Commonlands.


Wake Up and Smell the Embalming Fluid

This passive ability LD’s anybody who bitches when you don’t immediately MGB haste and/or brain candy five seconds after you’ve been rezzed.


Pearl Necklace

This ability allows you to give a special gift to people who spam you incessantly for a CoH when you're standing naked at your bind.


Fashion Trend

This ability allows you to equip an earring in your bellybutton. It’s out there for everybody to see, you might as well accessorize it. Second and third rank allow you to equip earrings on your nipples. Fourth rank allows you to equip an earring on your…er…elbow! Yeah, that’s it. On your elbow.


Pact of Grey Matter

This ability allows you to transfer some of your INT to the idiot who trains the AE’ing mob on you every time you’ve managed to FD during a raid wipe.


Holy John Steed

This ability allows you to ride around on Patrick Macnee from the original Avenger’s series. C’mon, it couldn’t look any sillier than that unicorn.


Endless Quivering

This ability allows you to supply such masterful cyber, the recipient’s toon visibly shakes and trembles on screen. Second rank makes them walk funny.


Radar Trap

This ability allows you to give speeding tickets to bards.

Chronic Connection

This ability allows you to get your hands on what the Devs were smoking when they came up with the Appraisal AA.


Act of Selfishness

An inversion of the Paladin ability, Act of Valor, Act of Selfishness allows you to take all of a group member’s remaining hit points. Second rank allows you to take their pizza. Third rank lets you take their spouse.



This ability allows the target mob to mitigate everything, including backstab damage, tash, snare and mez, so other classes can grasp what PoP onwards has done to a shaman’s sense of self worth.


Shield of Contrariness

This ability allows you to use a gnome for a shield. Said gnome will absorb as much damage as he/or she has hit points. Gnomes used in this way cannot attack or cast spells, although they can struggle and complain as much as they want.


Fires of Euthanasia

This ability allows you to nuke EQ2 and put it out of its misery.

Raid Leader AAs

Power of Focus

This ability forces people in the healer/cc/pull channels to discuss their assigned tasks, instead of what happened on last night’s episode of Desperate Housewives.

Power of Peter Graves

This ability adds to time-delay DTs a ticking sound and the voice emote, “Your toon will self-destruct in xxxx seconds,” so people will get themselves a cure instead of staring at the icon wondering, “Is that a DoT?”

Power of Blindness

This ability allows you to ignore the fact that your once powerful guild has been reduced to a raid force of ten mains and forty-four boxed alts.

Changes to the Game

1) Out of Combat Serpent Spine is introducing an out-of-combat recovery system. The way this works is that as soon as combat is over, you’ll get a timer. This timer will keep you from regenerating any hp, mana or endurance until six or seven patches have gone by.

2) Pre-Order Reward Pre-ordering Serpent Spine will reward you with a clicky item that once per day will trap you under the world. People who buy the boxed edition will also get a summon GM item.

3) AA System – With the increase to level 75, we’ve run into a problem with AAs. AAs are built around a static amount of experience, roughly what is required to get level 51. Under the new system, an AA point will cost the same amount of experience as it takes to get to level 52.

4) Spell Resists – We’ll be introducing a new spell formula that will make spells fizzle 500% more so you won’t notice that we’ve done nothing to improve the existing spell resist formula.

5) Death – We’ll be changing death so that when you die, you will be “hovering” over your body and can choose to stay and watch to see who does something useful to get a rezzer out and who runs around like a chicken with its head cut off.

6) Character Creation – We’ve changed character creation so that no matter what you think you’ve created, you’ll end up with a wood elf druid with Ogguk for a start city.

7) Endless Quiver – A longstanding issue we’ve had with ranger itemization is the inability to create specialized arrows because we have no imagination.

8) Dark Blue Con – The concept of a dark blue con NPC has existed in EQ for a while now. We’ve decided to change the con system so you really don’t know how tough a mob is until it tears you a new one.

Credit to: Dlandridel Cadence of Karana copied from Bard forums via the Steel Warrior and finally borrowed from
[Image: cUfeQ.jpg]

Wulfgar 52 Warrior....frolicking in PoFire!

chown -R us ./base
[Image: 1874700.png]
[Image: 3656981.png]

To damn funny

Utdaan Wrote:5) Death – We’ll be changing death so that when you die, you will be “hovering” over your body and can choose to stay and watch to see who does something useful to get a rezzer out and who runs around like a chicken with its head cut off.

OMG, I really want this one! Big Grin

Thanks for sharin' Ut. Smile
Rheyn O'Seelen [Barbarian Prophet of the 65th rite](retired)
Onyanka D`Ssussun [Dark Elf Cleric of the 31st rung] & Nana [Halfling Druid of the 12th circle]
[Image: th_Bronies-tolerateandlove.jpg]

Utdaan Wrote:Changes to the Game

8) Dark Blue Con – The concept of a dark blue con NPC has existed in EQ for a while now. We’ve decided to change the con system so you really don’t know how tough a mob is until it tears you a new one.

The best part about this section is that they're based on the actual changes going into the new expansion. I've often laughed at raid mobs conning blue, and I know that there are some light blue mobs that could rip me up just based on their resists. Did they change any of that when they modified the /con system? Nah, they just added something to indicate then a mob is within the 5 level range for bonus xp.

Oh, and the hovering over your corpse thing would be really cool. The reason they gave is to save you the time of zoning to your bind point and back, but watching the raid wipe could be entertaining and educational. It would also save the trouble on an almost-wipe of people asking when to take rezzes.
Elder Dwin Gamgee <Temerity>

Utdaan Wrote:MAG

Pearl Necklace

This ability allows you to give a special gift to people who spam you incessantly for a CoH when you're standing naked at your bind.

I don't think I have the right equipment to take advantage of this AA, therefore it is useless!

Too Funny! I knew the pearl necklace was out there!! I can't wait until we get this expansion pack so that I may earn my pearl necklace .... AA.

[Image: pearl_necklace.jpg]

The necklace isn't new, it's all in the method of delivery.
Elder Dwin Gamgee <Temerity>


Um, at least my uberness will define me and I can love myself again. Tongue
Rheyn O'Seelen [Barbarian Prophet of the 65th rite](retired)
Onyanka D`Ssussun [Dark Elf Cleric of the 31st rung] & Nana [Halfling Druid of the 12th circle]
[Image: th_Bronies-tolerateandlove.jpg]

Liked the original post, but Dwin, your sig had me laughing! Big Grin

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

Thiklan Wrote:Liked the original post, but Dwin, your sig had me laughing! Big Grin
I'm stealing it.

Wookie is just this guy, ya know.

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