So I was perusing the stats at, and noticed that Waeen now has the highest ATK rating of the rangers on our server. After reviewing gear and stats, I cannot figure out how that is possible.
For example, all of my main character stats (STR, STA, AGI, DEX, WIS and INT, with the exception of CHA) are above Waeen's and then gear-wise I'm wearing gear that has +65 to his +55 ATK. Does CHA affect ATK? Didn't try that out as an option.
I noted that he does have more AAs, and specifically he has all of his STR, STA, AGI and DEX AAs, through General and PoP. I was curious, wondering whether those "Innate" AAs somehow juice you moreso than gear points into STR, AGI, DEX and STA, but after fiddling around with Magelo, sticking max points in those categories, I found that that is not the case. I did find one interesting thing though, and that was when I pumped my AGI up with the full 15 AAs (both gen and pop), my AC went down by 1 point from 1383, to 1382. This made we wonder whether there is a penalty for going over 305, or why AGI increases would decrease AC.
Anyone have any thoughts on what could be going on here, because I'd love to emulate whatever Waeen seems to be doing.
Hmmm...Utdaan is listed as #2. Comparing gear (including gear with direct atk mods), AAs and stats between the two, the fact that Waeen has a higher calculated atk doesn't seem to make sense.
Cool, nice to know I'm not crazy - but in addition to that odd set of facts, I've now tried to go in game and assess my situation, without buffs at all.
Though not huge differences, in game I have the following stats:
4971 HPs
1384 AC
1356 ATK
Whereas on magelo, I have the following:
4970 HPs
1383 AC
1359 ATK
My actual character stats and AA's on both Magelo and in-game, jive perfectly. I've gone through my equipment, piece by piece, focusing solely on AC, cuz since it was off by one, I thought I could perhaps find the odd number out. No differences at all between the gear listings in-game, and the gear listings from Magelo. Thus, the numbers should be the same, but they aren't.
EQ rankings isn't accurate Thik. I'm not sure if the magelo link isn't working, or whatever. I use to follow the rankings but found out after a close examination that my HP's weren't being updated etc. In addition people put in ficticious gear such as 2 level 70 Rogues on Al Kabor with augmentations. The best way to compare I've found is our own TPS compare section.
Lumbar Wrote:EQ rankings isn't accurate Thik. I'm not sure if the magelo link isn't working, or whatever. I use to follow the rankings but found out after a close examination that my HP's weren't being updated etc. In addition people put in ficticious gear such as 2 level 70 Rogues on Al Kabor with augmentations. The best way to compare I've found is our own TPS compare section.
Waeen isn't a "fictitious" account, nor is his gear faked. Magelo is pretty damed accurate as long as you have the BASE information correct. Clearly, he added additional attack on the Update Character page (the one where you enter all your starting stats from a nekkid toon) which has inflated his ending listed ATK.
I wasnt saying Waeen is a ficticious account with augs, I'm just saying that my HP//ATK//AC is not accurate to my magelo vs. the other rogues on the server. Perhaps theirs isn't accurate either.
EQRankings doesn't automatically keep up to date with Magelo anymore, unless you want to pay them extra. Or you can just resubmit your profile occasionally and it will pick up your new numbers.
I just resubmitted Lumbar, so EQRankings has his correct info now.
Because we want to make sure we get our information stored in our Magelo?
Because it's a good measure of how we rank with our same class?
Gives us idea's for working on our toon (gear suggestions, AA's...)?
Dwin Wrote:EQRankings doesn't automatically keep up to date with Magelo anymore, unless you want to pay them extra. Or you can just resubmit your profile occasionally and it will pick up your new numbers.
I just resubmitted Lumbar, so EQRankings has his correct info now.
Lumbar Wrote:Ut, I'm not sure what you mean by nekkid stats. Yes, I entered my stats gearless but are there other variables needed outside of Skills and AA's?
From the <a href="">Magelo FAQ</a> (not viewable with Safari): This should answer Thiklan's question about his own minor discrepancies, too.
My ATK and/or AC value is off (even very far off) from what it actually is in-game. I verified all stats and skills, why the difference?
Currently, the formula used in-game to compute your ATK/AC score is somewhat crude. Magelo uses a few truncations in the calculations, but the results do not yet precisely match what Verant produces. We're still looking at it, but for the time being we cannot solve this precisely. As a result it's not unlikely that your ATK/AC value shown by Magelo will differ from what it is in-game. The current version should yield a value within a few points of your actual score.
Keep in mind that unless you use the Synchronize feature (Premium Members only), that you should update your list of skills appropriatly (Characters -> Manage his/her Skills), since skills are taken along in the calculations.
It is likely that your AC/ATK values are off by only a few points. If this is the case, you can insert small correction values to match your in-game AC/ATK. Select the Characters link under EQ Features, and click on Update Character. Scroll down to about halfway; there you can fill in correction values to AC and ATK, as needed.
We're still looking into the innate AC bonus that Iksars get. For now, Iksars will have to insert a somewhat larger AC bonus, until we know exactly how the bonus is calculated. Apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime.
My magelo is also off by one. I figure that is close enough.
I never worry about the idiots that play the PC side that can't seem to put their magelo on their correct server. I am guessing many of them are on the next server beginning with an A.
Either that or by putting their magelo on our server they can finally be top in their class. I love when they do that and some people on our server are still better geared than they are at level 70.