Why am i listed as a 62 Bard on the TPS site?
Was looking at that site for the first time and noticed that i am listed as a lvl 62 bard, yet i apped as a 65.

Also how do i get my account activated for that site?

And do i get full access to this site once my 3 week probationary period is up?
[65 Bard] Impresario Bayle Basstone - Maestro of Veeshan - PreElemental Dream Profile
243 Blacksmithing (modded) / 200 Jewelcrafting / 200 Baking / 200 Fisher / 195 Brewing (modded) / 190 Pottery / 160 Tailor

[51 Druid] Pott Pharmer - Wanderer of Tunare -

Make an account
PM rummel i think
Perin  Perrin Goldeneyes 
The pInking'Gnomerlord & Short-Bus Operator


You are now listed as a 65 Bard. The current officers can fix these things.

Mind you not all of us have really looked through everything there yet. I feel good at this point keeping the raid database current.

It gets updated automatically when you raid again anyways.
TAKP: Styx (shd), Kythers (wiz), Kynn (mag), Kyth (not a cleric),
AK: Kyth, Killer of Gods and Tanks, retired officer of Temerity

Perrin Wrote:Make an account
PM rummel i think

Was on the way out the door so I'll be a little more detailed in what I meant initially. I'm more than happy to help anyone with their set up if they are having problems. However, I don't check the site as often as I used to and not nearly as frequently as the current active officers.

So, you can PM me but you might get a faster response if you notify the active officers as well. And to echo what Cromis said, I'm not as well versed as others may be in the ins and outs of the administration of TPS.

Only reason i said you rum was because i thought you had some special ubber ninja access... or just used your lockpick skill?

Perin  Perrin Goldeneyes 
The pInking'Gnomerlord & Short-Bus Operator


To answer the other question Bayle, you are correct, full access to the forums is given after full membership.

Bayle don't be shocked when the 3 weeks is over to not get access, that time line is just a rough guide, most everyone's probation period goes on quite a bit longer than that. That or people's access doesnt get updated Big Grin

Bayle Wrote:Also how do i get my account activated for that site?

Looks like Rummel missed this part of the question, so I went and activated it for you.

Zorblak Wrote:Looks like Rummel missed this part of the question, so I went and activated it for you.

Thanks Zorb.

Also, i won't bring up the Office Space TPS Report joke, i'm sure it's been killed.
[65 Bard] Impresario Bayle Basstone - Maestro of Veeshan - PreElemental Dream Profile
243 Blacksmithing (modded) / 200 Jewelcrafting / 200 Baking / 200 Fisher / 195 Brewing (modded) / 190 Pottery / 160 Tailor

[51 Druid] Pott Pharmer - Wanderer of Tunare -

But that is indeed where TPS got its name Wink
TAKP: Styx (shd), Kythers (wiz), Kynn (mag), Kyth (not a cleric),
AK: Kyth, Killer of Gods and Tanks, retired officer of Temerity

Kyth, did you really hit High Warlord in WoW?
[65 Bard] Impresario Bayle Basstone - Maestro of Veeshan - PreElemental Dream Profile
243 Blacksmithing (modded) / 200 Jewelcrafting / 200 Baking / 200 Fisher / 195 Brewing (modded) / 190 Pottery / 160 Tailor

[51 Druid] Pott Pharmer - Wanderer of Tunare -


Nuts, I know. Did it with the server's farm team.

That's actually where I met the folks who got me into the guild I'm in (not a pvp guild, but a few of them were associated in various ways with the team.)
TAKP: Styx (shd), Kythers (wiz), Kynn (mag), Kyth (not a cleric),
AK: Kyth, Killer of Gods and Tanks, retired officer of Temerity

i have a question, too about the TPS site...when am i not an innitiate? i wanna be official dammit!! 8p

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