Thanks to the Deep shard crew last night.
Just wanted to give another thanks to everyone who went to Deep after the raid last night and got 4 shards in about an hour at camp. Eumamen and I both received our last shard and are now keyed for Vex Thal. Zygor and Laeden also received theirs making the run more than rewarding. Thanks again.
[65 Bard] Impresario Bayle Basstone - Maestro of Veeshan - PreElemental Dream Profile
243 Blacksmithing (modded) / 200 Jewelcrafting / 200 Baking / 200 Fisher / 195 Brewing (modded) / 190 Pottery / 160 Tailor

[51 Druid] Pott Pharmer - Wanderer of Tunare -

It was a great run. We got very lucky with drops, so yes, grats to all who got shards.

That was fun and very luck!
[Image: avatardxj4.jpg]

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