Largest pull ever?
We may have a new server record for the largest pull/train. Anyone care to count? :eek:

First, the puller examines the situation, determining a strategy.
[Image: grimling_pile_1.jpg]

The strategy is decided, "drop invis and run like hell."
[Image: grimling_pile_2.jpg]

And the blob falls for the bait, putting a beating on the poor ranger in the process.
[Image: grimling_pile_3.jpg]

Thik made it safely to the zone. Here's the first of the disappointed Grimlings coming back. They're a bit more spread out now, easier for counting.
[Image: grimling_pile_4.jpg]

Okay, well you can't really spread out THAT many grimlings.
[Image: grimling_pile_5.jpg]

And the last few straglers.
[Image: grimling_pile_6.jpg]

These pics were all taken on one pull, I'd guess there were well over 100. I can post higher rez versions of the pics if anyone actually wants to attempt a headcount. Smile

Next time we need to bring along a couple of AOE'ers and fill everyone's bags with acrylia.
Elder Dwin Gamgee <Temerity>

I REFUSE to believe any pull will EVER be bigger than Tofu + PoH. EVER.

That being said, that is, I am forced to admit, a mighty pull of epic proportions you've recorded there.

The largest I ever saw was Volotham kiting an entire zone so we could kill....... whats that guys name........ its on a 20 minute timer you kill 5 of something then he spawns...... woah I need more coffee.


My server is down, so the images aren't working, but the text is still entertaining. Smile
-- Bastette of Ysera
-- Bastette of Al'Kabor

Gnatzilla Wrote:The largest I ever saw was Volotham kiting an entire zone so we could kill....... whats that guys name........ its on a 20 minute timer you kill 5 of something then he spawns...... woah I need more coffee.

Doomshade. Umbral Plains.

<3 Volotham.
TAKP: Styx (shd), Kythers (wiz), Kynn (mag), Kyth (not a cleric),
AK: Kyth, Killer of Gods and Tanks, retired officer of Temerity

Luv it Big Grin thanks for sharing guys.

Oh and Thik you look like a dork in low rez. :p

Ooh, nice Bastette, I think that's the same location. Thik and I weren't sure if it was bugged or if that's the normal behavior there. It'll sure help out my acrylia farming.

When Thik first started killing, they were spawning faster than he was killing (2 for 1 maybe?), but eventually the number seemed to cap out. Good thing too, the lag was almost unbearable if you looked at the pile.
Elder Dwin Gamgee <Temerity>

Yeah, the first pic in the series is misleading, because if the crowd of mobs was never trained in the first place (I trained a few times by accident when I would get prox aggro trying to pull a single), all of the mobs, would be in the exact same spawn point. So there is no real way to count them, but track had hundreds of miners up, and there simply aren't that many in the zone usually.

After you train them a few times, when they return, they cluster, but the new spawns still spawn on the same spawn point. Alas, turning to run after you get their attention is slow motion lag city. Only took about 25% damage on this train, since it was intentional; the unintentional ones take even more time to realize, then turn and run, and they usually take me down 33-40% in a heartbeat or two (including one skipped heartbeat the first time I did it).

End result is an endless supply of acrylia with very little effort. We need to get a group of AoE'ers out there to simply kill the 100+ at once, and then spend the next 8 mins looting like madmen. We may need more looters than AoE'ers.

And yeah Ave, I do look kinda chunky in low rez - not as svelt as I look in nice rez.

Tx for the shots Dwin, must have been cool to see live!

Anyone who needs acrylia and wants to get the low down on the location, just poke me in game. If you're nice, I'll show ya! :p

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

Thiklan Wrote:Yeah, the first pic in the series is misleading, because if the crowd of mobs was never trained in the first place (I trained a few times by accident when I would get prox aggro trying to pull a single), all of the mobs, would be in the exact same spawn point. So there is no real way to count them, but track had hundreds of miners up, and there simply aren't that many in the zone usually.

After you train them a few times, when they return, they cluster, but the new spawns still spawn on the same spawn point. Alas, turning to run after you get their attention is slow motion lag city. Only took about 25% damage on this train, since it was intentional; the unintentional ones take even more time to realize, then turn and run, and they usually take me down 33-40% in a heartbeat or two (including one skipped heartbeat the first time I did it).

End result is an endless supply of acrylia with very little effort. We need to get a group of AoE'ers out there to simply kill the 100+ at once, and then spend the next 8 mins looting like madmen. We may need more looters than AoE'ers.

And yeah Ave, I do look kinda chunky in low rez - not as svelt as I look in nice rez.

Tx for the shots Dwin, must have been cool to see live!

Anyone who needs acrylia and wants to get the low down on the location, just poke me in game. If you're nice, I'll show ya! :p


Wait is this in the TM caves? Are you saying there is a glitch? if you train them out and drop agro they go back to their spawn points but more spawn even though they aren't killed? I have farmed the TM caves for acrylia and windstones i think. I usually am able to pull and entire cave by running in and agroing everything on the way down. This usually equals about 15 mobs then i am able to AoE them all down at once.

Am i understanding this comment right?

PS - I wish i had some pictures of me farming the hollowshade moor war for shadowscream items. Those mobs are way easier than the caves in TM and i can usually pull 30-40 and kill all of them at once. But i swear farming like this seems to get less drops. Like the server knows you are killing this many at once and lowers the drop rate of what you are looking for.
[65 Bard] Impresario Bayle Basstone - Maestro of Veeshan - PreElemental Dream Profile
243 Blacksmithing (modded) / 200 Jewelcrafting / 200 Baking / 200 Fisher / 195 Brewing (modded) / 190 Pottery / 160 Tailor

[51 Druid] Pott Pharmer - Wanderer of Tunare -

Bayle Wrote:Wait is this in the TM caves?
No...Grimling Forest...the caves on the way to Acrylia Caverns.
[Image: cUfeQ.jpg]

Wulfgar 52 Warrior....frolicking in PoFire!

chown -R us ./base
[Image: 1874700.png]
[Image: 3656981.png]

Those hit harder than the TM ones but not as hard as the AC ones?
[65 Bard] Impresario Bayle Basstone - Maestro of Veeshan - PreElemental Dream Profile
243 Blacksmithing (modded) / 200 Jewelcrafting / 200 Baking / 200 Fisher / 195 Brewing (modded) / 190 Pottery / 160 Tailor

[51 Druid] Pott Pharmer - Wanderer of Tunare -

I am up for this kind of AE.

There is the uncountable train of Skels in the COD. But there were no screenshots of that fiasco.

Does that rate.

Kaotic Wrote:There is the uncountable train of Skels in the COD. But there were no screenshots of that fiasco.

Does that rate.

Ah, but there is a screenie of the Skellies. It used to adorn our front page.

The skellies in CoD do stop spawning. They only spawn 4 skellies per death. So, once we all die the stop. This also makes them countable.

30 guildies = 120 skellies.
Bora Gann
Warrior of Rallos Zek

don't forget pets.

Do the spawn on things like call of xuzi? Each wizard could generate 20 skellies that way...
-- Bastette of Ysera
-- Bastette of Al'Kabor

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