There are a few zones no longer functioning this evening.

Nexus, Paludal, and Droga. People are stuck in the bazaar and are having to run through Echo to get to Twilight Sea and get a port from there.

Also another downer....
My SOE contact, Chris Lena - EQ Producer, has just left SOE. Sad
[Image: cUfeQ.jpg]

Wulfgar 52 Warrior....frolicking in PoFire!

chown -R us ./base
[Image: 1874700.png]
[Image: 3656981.png]

Start sending brownies to Clint asap!

Avelyn Wrote:Start sending brownies to Clint asap!
Currently in the works! Wink
[Image: cUfeQ.jpg]

Wulfgar 52 Warrior....frolicking in PoFire!

chown -R us ./base
[Image: 1874700.png]
[Image: 3656981.png]

Nexus is working again.

Ed was having trouble earlier as well, but now it has begun to work again. He just went from PoK to the bazaar and back using the Nexus. So all is working there again.
Bora Gann
Warrior of Rallos Zek

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