01-31-2007, 03:40 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2007, 05:15 PM by Darellian.)
I'm posting this on EQMac but thought I would also post it here. I would love for all Temerity folks to come, especially those Sanctuary members currently wearing Temerity tags! 8) (We still love ya!)
Come join Darellian Rangefinder in a quest for the Shattered Emerald of Corruption (SEoC)!
SEoC's are a rare drop from mini-bosses and Innoruk in the Plane of Hate, so you must be at least 46 levels high to go on this ride. The raid will take place a week from tomorrow, Thursday Feb 8th at 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific time.
The SEoC is the final component in the Ranger's Epic quest and is used to fashion <A HREF="http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=3637"> Earthcaller</A> without which no ranger is complete. 8)
This raid is open to everyone, and it is my fond hope that all my Norrathian friends will join me for what I expect will be a fun time in a zone not everyone is familiar with. Even if we get no SEoC drops, (a distinct possibility) it should be a fun time for it's own sake.
Sanctuary will provide a Wzzard and several Soulstones for portal access to the zone. You bring your weapons and lust for adventure. 8)
Edit: Time is illusory, we are but trapped on the wheel of Maya...
LOL, I thought it was next week cuz he posted February... but Feb starts tomorrow, wtf!!?!? Just so we're clear that I have no idea what day it is atm...
Rheyn O'Seelen [Barbarian Prophet of the 65th rite](retired)
Onyanka D`Ssussun [Dark Elf Cleric of the 31st rung] & Nana [Halfling Druid of the 12th circle]
Well today is the day, or evening rather (depending on your timezone) of the Hate Hootnanny! I confess this is not a zone I know at all well, most of my experience has been limited to dieing there. 8)
(Word to the wise, not a zone your wizzy should just pop into to "see what it's all about.") :mad:
As such, I will be relying on folks who have been there for camp locations, pull tactics, etc. so thanks to everyone who intends to come out.
Darellian Wrote:As such, I will be relying on folks who have been there for camp locations, pull tactics, etc. so thanks to everyone who intends to come out.
Derellian, if you are going to post all over the boards for help then you gotta uphold your end of the bargain by doing your homework in concern to the zone layout and mobs. I'm not saying you have to know EVERYTHING, but to expect others to guide you isn't the way this works. The internets are your friend, use it.
02-08-2007, 03:58 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2007, 04:31 PM by Darellian.)
Redleaf Wrote:Derellian, if you are going to post all over the boards for help then you gotta uphold your end of the bargain by doing your homework in concern to the zone layout and mobs. I'm not saying you have to know EVERYTHING, but to expect others to guide you isn't the way this works. The internets are your friend, use it.
Oh, I have done that. But being there and research are not quite the same. I'm not going to presume to dictate to folks who know the zone intimately. But by the same token, i'm not looking to be taken by the hand and walked through it, where would be the fun in that? I do expect to be able to consult with folks who can make the experience that much more enjoyable and who, hopefully can prevent me from making newb-to-the zone errors.
Oh and I'd add that since the Rev to the PC version that created PoH B, it's tough to find any info on our version. Sometimes the Intarweb is not your friend.
Darellian Wrote:I do expect to be able to consult with folks who can make the experience that much more enjoyable and who, hopefully can prevent me from making newb-to-the zone errors.
Sorry to post so late, but I have to cancel; friend in from out o town and we're going out - thought I'd get some action in before he got here, but he's here now, and I'm heading out.
Good luck Dare, if it takes more than one trip, I'd love to attend the second one...