PoM Entrance pics
[Image: EQ000035.jpg]

[Image: EQ000040.jpg]

He means H everybody
Wotan at your service!

Can we get a group H?

How do you fit in there?

haha I posted those earlier for a few people who were about to make the run - we were 2 for 3 today! Janu unfortunately was not able to make it, but he will get it next time. So far, Zorblak, Dwin, Murastil, Eildar, and myself are bound there. I think a few others are thinking about making the run soon.

Frer out.

Is that blue thing on the floor a little temple or sumpin? Also, why do you need to bind there. Can you explain this? I know nothing about this zone.

Thanks Smile

Only way in is making the run thru NToV and clicking on that itty bitty thing that Frer took a pic of (while your are trying to control your heart from thumping right out of your chest!). The only way out is a port or there is a tree within the zone that you can click on that drops you in an ocean I think? I forget, it's been a while. So that's why people bind there, it's not easy to get in or out. Smile

PS- You can probably Google "Plane Of Mischief" and there is a dedicated site for this zone. Lots of cool information about various mobs and quests in the zone. While most of the gear is not an upgrade, the Flowers of Functionality that Dwin has been working on are a nifty thing to have (clicky resists), and not many people on the server have completed even one of them.

Uerinka Wrote:Only way in is making the run thru NToV and clicking on that itty bitty thing that Frer took a pic of (while your are trying to control your heart from thumping right out of your chest!).
Understatement Smile
[/url][Image: 1200.png][url=http://www.allakabor.com/profile/1200]

You know its a tough Zone to get to when an SoS rogues heart is beating out of the chest while running a gauntlet of AE-ing mobs.

Avelyn Wrote:Is that blue thing on the floor a little temple or sumpin? Also, why do you need to bind there. Can you explain this? I know nothing about this zone.

Thanks Smile

According to EQ Lore, an ancient wizard seeking to draw powers from the planes of the gods created a magical artifact that would grant him entrance to the Plane of Mischief. The artifact is a dollhouse miniature replica of Castle Mischief, Bristlebane's home. Unbeknownst to him, it was Bristlebane himself who planted this idea in his head, thinking it'd be fun for mortals to "play" in his home plane. Upon completion of the artifact, the wizard ventured into the Plane of Mischief, where he went mad and killed himself. His buddies, thinking the dollhouse was cursed, gave it to the Claws of Veeshan for safekeeping.

That's why the entrance to PoM is mad deep inside NToV, and that's why casters need to bind there. The only two ways to get there are through a raid force, or to DA run through NToV and hope you don't get the shit kicked out of you. The zone-out is a tree that dumps you in the middle of Cobalt Scar.

In LDoN or LoY (can't remember which), PoM underwent a pretty massive overhaul that, from what I hear, pretty much gimped it. The entrance was also moved from NToV to the ass end of the Great Divide, making it much easier to get to.

I would like to be one of the people who make this run..


The tree drops you in the middle of the ocean in Cobalt Scar...

It's a fun zone.
51 Necromancer

Record holder for most points in a season for the Ak'Anon High School basketball team.


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