Hey kids!

You've seen me on the Temerity channel for a month or so and I thought I would say 'hello' officially.


Anyway, I played EQ from 1999-2003ish on the PC Erollisi Marr Server where I played a 65 Necromancer (Leslee: http://eq.magelo.com/profile/389838) among MANY MANY MANY other alts.. that's when 65 was the max level.

I spent a lot of time in a guild named Free Company and the last two years in a raiding guild named Sanctuary of Marr where we raided 5x a week. I've been through the pain of farming shards for VT, factioning for Skyshrine faction, destroying that faction in NToV, HOURS in SSRA for the key, getting close to Time, and the 6-spawn in the HoH basement has a permanant ass-print where I medded.

I retired (okay, I burned out raiding that much) and went to grad school and recently (since October) began playing again on the Mac. I've met some really nice Temerity people in my travels and hope to apply in a few levels. I like raiding, but once a week is about all I can handle now.

Anyway... if you see me on and need help doing anything (I'll even take a death touch for you), give me a tell.

51 Necromancer

Record holder for most points in a season for the Ak'Anon High School basketball team.


Hey Leslee,

Good to hear you are thinking about applying. Our raid schedule is a lot less than most PC raid guilds, so don't stress that to much. We raid MWF one week then THS the next...

Send me a tell if you need help with anything.
Main -
Bloodletter The (65 Beastlord of Temerity

Alts -
Bloodletter The (65 Beastlord of Temerity) http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1305289)
Doerden Bloodless (65 Necromancer of Temerity)
Itunes (65 Bard of Temerity http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1371193)
Spie VSpie (42 Rogue of Temerity)
Starsha Wrote:p.s. mental note, don't piss of BL, he'll come after me with teeth, claws, and the law!

welcome! dont hesitate to poke me to ask me about anything recruiting related if you have any questions.

Good to hear from you Leslee. Your already showing wisdom by your interest in Tem. Wink
See you around Norrath!

Great to see you here, Leslee! Feel free to hit me up for pet toys any time Big Grin


welcome and stuff.
[Image: 773.png]

Hello! You'll find that there are lots of PC to Mac crossover peeps around... Like me! I once played on the Stromm server... My availability isn't as great as it once was, but feel free to as me for help when I'm on if you need it! See you in game...


Frer Wrote:welcome! dont hesitate to poke me to ask me about anything recruiting related if you have any questions.

F (rer) likes to be poked!

H Frer!!!
Wotan at your service!

Heya Leslee, have seen you in the Tem channel quite a few times; nice to see you popping in here on the forums.

If you need anything, just holler; when I'm online, I'll kill stuffs with ya,

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

there's a number of former E Marr's around actually. though i forget who all they are, some have retired.

see ya in game

Deths and I used to play E Marr. My brother still does and used to be in Free Company (Selig/Seligo?).

Nice to see ya! Hope to group with you soon. Smile
Rheyn O'Seelen [Barbarian Prophet of the 65th rite](retired)
Onyanka D`Ssussun [Dark Elf Cleric of the 31st rung] & Nana [Halfling Druid of the 12th circle]
[Image: th_Bronies-tolerateandlove.jpg]

Hey Les nice to hear fom ya on our site. Mac is alot more lax than Pc u prolly no this by now. Look me up in game if wana kill some stuff i gots a 54 Sk in need of leveling i see your in the rottin 50's as well : http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1272130 hope to see ya in game soon Smile

Jumador Frostmight 65 Prophet
Bowbow DaDumb 54 Reaver

Mechaike Wrote:there's a number of former E Marr's around actually. though i forget who all they are, some have retired.

see ya in game

My first time gaming EQ was on E Marr's. Welcome Leslee

And I don't play here anymore, but my PC chars (which I also don't play) are on emarr.

emarr rules! (but al'kabor is better)
TAKP: Styx (shd), Kythers (wiz), Kynn (mag), Kyth (not a cleric),
AK: Kyth, Killer of Gods and Tanks, retired officer of Temerity

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