hey guys
hey tems! xilia here, long time no talk! Grats on all the new accomplishments. Just stoppen by to have all youguys tell me how much you miss me! SO!?!?!?!

Sup Xilla! Long time no see. Planning on making a return to our corner of Norrath?
[Image: cUfeQ.jpg]

Wulfgar 52 Warrior....frolicking in PoFire!

chown -R us ./base
[Image: 1874700.png]
[Image: 3656981.png]

Ha! I thought you were here to sell Viagra and other pharmaceuticals.


Lol, Red. HI Xilia!

Hey ut! Nah Im not leanen towards returnen to norrath anytime soon. Kinda stuck in the whole addicted to WoW thing along with Hog. But I have a buddy thats been tellin me about eq2 alot lately which sounds just great. Idk tho. Hey uerinka! Gah we used to chat all the time! Miss you guys. How long before Quarm is dead?

Tell your dad I said hello and we miss his hairy feet around here.

One kill from the Elemental Planes now.
[Image: cUfeQ.jpg]

Wulfgar 52 Warrior....frolicking in PoFire!

chown -R us ./base
[Image: 1874700.png]
[Image: 3656981.png]

Hey Xil Wink

Redleaf Wrote:Ha! I thought you were here to sell Viagra and other pharmaceuticals.

isn't that sassis's job?
[Image: 773.png]

heya sae! Haha I'll be sure to tell him. Gah I remember sassis too. So have most the other guilds members gone to tem's yet? To make up for lack of numbers?

No, I think most of the other guilds are going strong on their own. We've had some people change guilds and come to Tem, and we've had a few that have gone back to their old guilds. There are lots of great accomplishments listed in the Stories and Screenshots section on EQmac, if you want to take a peek at the progressions of the other guilds.

*Edited because I can't spell sometimes :p

Hey <strike>slacker</strike> Xilia! Nice to see you again. I was just talking the other day to someone about the various wizards we had back in the Honor Guard.

Just remember, I beat you to 46!

Hope you're enjoying That Other Game.

lol Zorb! Wow i forgot all about our crazy races to 46. Dont remember what was so important about 46 tho haha. GOOD TIMES. I kept it close the whole time tho!

46 opened up the planes!

oh gah, yeah I remember now. lol how could I forget!

Hey, wasn't it you and Zorb I had to show the trick in Echo? The levitation over the rock and dotting the bulks! How are you and Hoggas doing? Come back any time.

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