Hi Guys
I am going to be making a char on EQ MAC server. I am wondering the following questions if you have time to answer.
What times do you raid?
What classes do you need?

Thank you very much.

A little about me if you wanna know. I played EQ on PC since 2001 and played thru PoP shortly after I quit so I know most of the encounters and lead a few raids esp on Rathe Council. I came back to EQ on PC for the progression server where I was the 1st level 60 beastlord on The Sleeper (Rikki was my name) but we progressed so fast it wasn't any fun so I quit that. I have been looking into playing EQ mac for a while now and looking forward to playing on your server.

Thanks again have a great day.

Welcome to the server!

Temerity raids 3 days a week. MWF on one week and then TThSat the next, leaving plenty of time for RL. The weekday raids (M-F) start at 8:30pm Eastern and Saturday at 3pm. We don't have mandatory attendance for membership, but all we ask is that if you are logged on and we are raiding that you be raiding with us. Smile RL > EQ always!

As far as needed classes, cant go wrong with a plate (Warrior/Paladin) or a cleric since we're always short on those. But that said, it's always better to play what you will want to keep logging on to play.

Right now we're banging our heads against the Rallos Zek event in Tactics, just about to go Elemental, so it's a great time for our little corner of Norrath!
[Image: cUfeQ.jpg]

Wulfgar 52 Warrior....frolicking in PoFire!

chown -R us ./base
[Image: 1874700.png]
[Image: 3656981.png]

Welcome to Al Kabor!

I look forward to seeing you in game. As Utdaan said we could use some plates and clerics, but what's the fun is playing a class you wouldn't enjoy?

Well what I really am into playing is one of the following:

And I can hopefully catch up I just won the auction on my mac. I have alot of experience with PoP and would love to help you guys out. I did it back in the day when PoP 1st came out I was the Weapon shield ranger to position for the tank on Rallos Zek. Was just wondering what classes of those are needed if any. I always play to have fun and just you guys seem great I have been reading up on EQ mac for years and finally got my 1st mac. Only thing that I hope is that people buy bat wings still so I can make money at low levels and that people cast kei in PoK!

Thanks for posting so quick look forward to responses =)

ooooooooooo a shammy!!!!

a real live shammy!!!
There is the right way, the wrong way and, of course, the Cisco way.

Welcome to EQMac! You'll find lots of former PC players here, and you'll find the vibe on the server very different from that of a PC server. (In a good way) Good luck, and we're looking forward to seeing you in game!


Drood uber alles.
Wotan at your service!

Welcome to the server, look forward to meeting you in game.

Chanters > all

That is all. Smile

Thank god you didnt say Beastlord, we have enough of those wankers already Big Grin

Gilwean Wrote:Well what I really am into playing is one of the following:
Welcome to the forums. Let me just re-inforce what others have said. Play what you'll stick with. As for your list, any of those would be good. The server has a shortage of debuffing and healing classes in general, with shammies being the rarest of the lot. There is also a shortage of clerics, so druids are mostly healers on raids, tho we kick them loose to nuke when we can. An extra necro or wizard or two wouldn't be a bad thing either.
Wookie is just this guy, ya know.

Welcome to Al`Kabor Gilwean!

What server did you play before The Sleeper?

Also, I'm really the only active shammie. We have a few in the guild, but RL happens.

If you wanna start a shammie, feel free to PM me with any questions you have.

Hope to see you in game soon! Congratz on winning your Mac! Smile
Rheyn O'Seelen [Barbarian Prophet of the 65th rite](retired)
Onyanka D`Ssussun [Dark Elf Cleric of the 31st rung] & Nana [Halfling Druid of the 12th circle]
[Image: th_Bronies-tolerateandlove.jpg]

Yea I played on the sleeper. I have a cool screen shot I will share with you I still have. http://img401.imageshack.us/my.php?image...041of0.png This is why I am done with Beastlords. Shaman is one of the few classes I have not leveled up ever before so thats why I am considering it. And I know how useful they can be. I am thinking Troll Shammy with snare necklace if I remember right they get one?

Welcome, welcome, welcome!! Big Grin Big Grin

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

--Benjamin Franklin

[Image: 2048670.png]


Welcome to AL'KABOR bud....

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