VT resources
Hi there I was browsing the web looking for some details on VT. I am a officer from a guild on Bert - Wreckers. One of my past times is going back doing things some of our newer members have never experienced. One of the projects myself and another of the officers have been pushing through is setting some coth bots up in VT.

I notice that you have some resources in your documentation section with would really benefit from the information you appear to have in those links.


Specificly the VT related ones. I have maps and a gneral idea of where to put a few of the coth bots I just dont have a detailed indication of this anywhere and wondered if you would be willing to help

Appreciate any help that you might be able to render

Mazia - 75 mage of Wreckers - Bert

Mazia, has SOE opened VT to all players regardless of being keyed or not? I remember reading something way back about that. Just wondering if you guys still need to do shards and stuff to gain entry to VT.


Who are you? Why do you have a link to our private forums?
Bora Gann
Warrior of Rallos Zek


The pages referenced in our document index are in our private forums, and not generally accessible to non-members. If you have some specific placement or strategy questions, feel free to PM them to me, and I will see what I can do to help you out.

Though honestly, I'm not sure why you want to go to VT at this point. I looked you up on EQPlayers, and with the exception of a couple of fun clicky toys (MGB food and water ftw!), I can't imagine you could get anything use out of VT with the kind of gear you've got now. Still, if you want to go frolic in VT, more power to you!

To the rest of my guildmates who are asking this question, the Document Index is publicly viewable. The posts that it links to are not, unless they are in public areas, but people can see the index, and get a glimpse of all the useful knowledge that we make available to our members.

Thanks Zorb!
Bora Gann
Warrior of Rallos Zek

Thanks for your reply. Yes some of us really are only looking to go there for fun and clickies and no I dont have access to you private forum but your documentation index is out there in google for anyone to find - which is how I located your site. Smile

VT is still a keyed zone only - with very few people these days Emp is killable and usually left up. Keying is no longer the nightmare it used to be and is generable to be done solo within a day or so (shard farming)

A high amount of our guild members are relatively new to the game and have never experienced VT. Being an Australian guild historically we ended up having to skip VT due to other guilds clearing it so we never farmed it and a lot of people still havnt ever experienced it.

I have some clickies I would like to get ahold of also personally also.

Thanks for your offer to PM you I will take you up on the offer Zorblak.

Mazia - 75 Mage of Wreckers


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