That bird is on fire, put it out!
we had to use a lot of ice, and the first bird didn't even say thank you.
[Image: EQ000216.jpg]

his roommate was on fire as well, but he didn't say thanks either...
[Image: EQ000217.jpg]

[Image: EQ000218.jpg]

so we looked up the landlord to ask why his tenants are all on fire. lo and behold, HE WAS ON FIRE TOO! we raced to the rescue with ice and blunt objects, and tried to beat the flames away, to no avail. he died before he could be extinguished.
[Image: EQ000219.jpg]

[Image: EQ000220.jpg]

[Image: EQ000221.jpg]

various loots dropped that i dont remember. ele silk sleeve. bunch of other stuff that someone else can link Smile

Karry slashes you for 8 pts!

LMFAO Big Grin

Interesting. I had my TDoK loaded in primary, so that was an off-hand hit, but the epic hits harder than that. Glad my l33t melee skillz didn't mess anyone up to badly.

These things were so easy with a raid of 28 it's kinda a shame we haven't been farming them since we got to Doomfire with smaller raids.

And the only pic I got of the charm bird deaths:

[Image: charm-bird-1-dead.png]
Wookie is just this guy, ya know.

And since we know everyone loves the lewt links:

Jaxoliz Dawneyes blessed us with a Shining Crimson Shawl:
[Image: shining_crimson_shawl.jpg]

Criare Sunmane dropped a Fang of Flame:
[Image: fang_of_flame.jpg]

And Quavonis Firetail has the distinction of being our first EP kill to drop two phat lewtz. He gave us a Cloak of Combustion and an elemental silk sleeve pattern which was turned into Maelin's Sleeves of Lore:
[Image: cloakofcombustion.jpg]
[Image: maelins_sleeves_of_lore.jpg]

I can't wait until we really crack the Elemental Planes and milk them for their phat lootz.

Temerity is about to become Godlike compared to the rest of the server. Not that that is our goal, but merely a byproduct of all of our hard work and effort over the years.

Congratulations loot getters!

Edit: Great screenies, Mecha!

Redleaf Wrote:I
Temerity is about to become Godlike

It will be almost funny once our silk classes have HP upwards of 7k raid buffed.

/evil grin

Emryes Wrote:It will be almost funny once our silk classes have HP upwards of 7k raid buffed.

/evil grin
And you'll still get one rounded* by these mobs! Big Grin :p

*Quavonis Firetail quads for about 3300 PER SWING!
[Image: cUfeQ.jpg]

Wulfgar 52 Warrior....frolicking in PoFire!

chown -R us ./base
[Image: 1874700.png]
[Image: 3656981.png]

Yes, I think our SKs will do really very well against the first two birds ... but on the third one, well Kwel lasted only one round after Defensive dropped ... at the same time, I like this a lot after spending litterally months of my life in Vex Thal. In PoP content, after unloading half my mana (3500 or so) into a tank, I get summoned and killed - and come back in only to find that we have won - these fast burn fights really are enjoyable, and I don't mind waiting (like last night) for a CR to prep for the revenge kill.

At the same time, we get these things, they wipe us once. It is so fast that we can reasses the fight while rezzing and buffing, give a few new instructions, come back and clean it up and get the nice drops.

We are up to 6 minis deaded now in Plane of Fire, with one more on the hot plate. And then ... Fennin Ro ...

Utdaan Wrote:And you'll still get one rounded* by these mobs! Big Grin :p

*Quavonis Firetail quads for about 3300 PER SWING!

I actually only got hit for around 1800 and then a last swing for 900 or so in the first round. My lovey 3k in runes is pretty awesome like that.

So, I lasted a whole two rounds! :-D

Yeah, PoFire is just such a cool looking zone, and those birdies are awful purdy. Though, the look even better smoldering on the ground. Will have to remember to bring more icewater next time.

I took some nice screenies too, but am at work so don't have them to post atm.

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

Cromis Wrote:We are up to 6 minis deaded now in Plane of Fire, with one more on the hot plate. And then ... Fennin Ro ...

Bear in mind that there are another 8 named on the way to Fennin Ro, with some decent drops. (I thought the generals were also on the way to FRo, but not from the description I just read, so now I have to do a bit more research. We want to start hitting them soon too, some really nice drops from Reparm.)

The generals are in the second fort I believe. So technically on the way to FR, but not part of the event.

Emryes Wrote:The generals are in the second fort I believe. So technically on the way to FR, but not part of the event.

Yeah, I just found a map with mobs on it. Druav is in the first building, Reparm and Yozanni are in the second. So looks like some extra fun for us to have without having to head into FRo.

Just before you get to tables, there's a higher part of the castle on the right. You can just see the top of Reparm's head (and one other named) on the top floor there.
Elder Dwin Gamgee <Temerity>

Of course, by all accounts, Reparm may be more difficult than Fennin Ro ...

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