I Know This Sounds Really Geeky But...
It's a sad day Sad


Redleaf Wrote:It's a sad day Sad


Wow I had no idea one that he was that much older than me, and two he still died pretty early at 69.

He was responsible for making a lot of what video games are based on now popular. They have obviously gone a long ways since he put out D&D, but he was one of the first people to truly get RP going.
[Image: 597.png]
Medicineman (65 Human Mith Marr Cleric), Twinblades (65 Dwarf Rogue), Rejected (65 Gnome Bertox Necro),
Cathbu (65 Halfling Karana Druid), Savmaster (65 Vah Shir Beastlord), Tenash Urteeth (65 Vah Shir Shaman),
Oben (65 Erudite Mage),

Yep, well said. Gygax got the ball rolling for a lot of what fantasy (in whatever form it may take) is today.

We're all geeks, and allowably more proud of it now in large part due to he and his cohorts.

/hat off

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

Hell, EQ is so much like AD&D was in so many ways...
Wookie is just this guy, ya know.

Wookie Wrote:Hell, EQ is so much like AD&D was in so many ways...

...all of a sudden you feel like you are being watched. Wham! (4) Gnoll raiders jump out and have the element of suprise...Wink

Lumbar Wrote:...all of a sudden you feel like you are being watched. Wham! (4) Gnoll raiders jump out and have the element of suprise...Wink

That was funny.

Did you guys play when you were youngsters?

My friends and I used to have huge marathon sessions back in the day.

I love EQ and the fact that I can stay home and still interact with friends, but there are some elements that I learned from role playing games that have, I think, made me what I am today: a creative person, a dreamer and able to think outside the preverbal box.

When I was in highschool, there were 5 of us, at times 9 of us, and I was GM. We figured that for two years, we played AD&D an average of 60 hours a week.
Wookie is just this guy, ya know.

Redleaf Wrote:That was funny.

Did you guys play when you were youngsters?

My friends and I used to have huge marathon sessions back in the day.

I love EQ and the fact that I can stay home and still interact with friends, but there are some elements that I learned from role playing games that have, I think, made me what I am today: a creative person, a dreamer and able to think outside the preverbal box.

I havent played D&D forever but always loved it. I remember when I was young being captivated by the thief cutting the jewel out the big scary monster's eye socket. Start on a Friday after work and play into late Satudray morning with barely any sleep. Loads of hysterical moments.

There was a game called Talislanta that I really enjoyed. It was bad ass then got bought out and ended. Basically you could cast any level of spell but with penalties. I remember one of the players trying to roll an "oh-shit" high level spell at level 3 and rolled "1" on the 20d. He ended up randomly getting a level of the skill fashion...w/o a beat he all of a sudden started speaking with a lisp...too funny, but I guess you had to be there.

/em bows head in reverence to Gary Gygax. I played AD&D all through High School and some in College. I always played a cleric in AD&D LOL.

I got into D&D because of a boy and guess what, I played a human magic user/mage. It's funny how something I did so long ago is still with me today.

Starsha Wrote:I got into D&D because of a boy and guess what, I played a human magic user/mage. It's funny how something I did so long ago is still with me today.

Chase boys? Big Grin

Lumbar Wrote:...all of a sudden you feel like you are being watched. Wham! (4) Gnoll raiders jump out and have the element of suprise...Wink

roll for iniative

Now the human race will populate out of control without AD&D to stop teenage nerds from having sex! He created the most efficient form of birth control ever, tell a girl about your character and spells and she will never talk to you again!


Thoran Wrote:Now the human race will populate out of control without AD&D to stop teenage nerds from having sex! He created the most efficient form of birth control ever, tell a girl about your character and spells and she will never talk to you again!


not if you cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism and they turn into a real beautiful woman.

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