PoWater Kiting
I've probably bored people to tears saying over and over agin about how I'd like to chant kite in PoWater. Well, I shut up and tried recently...

[Image: powatersolo.th.jpg]

After two different attempts, which netted about three total deaths, I managed to finally figure out a way to pull it off in a semi-efficient manner (It takes me the less time to kite a mob in PoWater than a mob at tables).

Crazy. Well done.
Elder Judah, Harvester of Tares Lichen


Lol only you, Del!

Big Grin

That's really impressive, Del.

nice job, man.
Mechaike likes 'em furry

[Image: densig.png]


Grats man! I know you'd been thinking of the different spots that would work best - I'm curious, was it in the Fishlord area, or down past the Ancient Regrua?

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

Only did it around Fishlord area. Would start at back of east alcove and swim all the way above Depth 3 drop off. Thinking about waiting on Rathe Drums before I consider running down to Coirnav area, and definitely gonna wait on the trigger to be down before I attempt (I learned my lesson from the Fennin trigger Smile )

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