07-24-2005, 05:46 AM
It took me 1 hour 35 minutes..... 30 of that was spent doing basically zero dps, just recovering from my initial mistakes... but grats to my baby chanter on the Robe of Dark Beguilement.
5 characters on 3 computers on a fight like that where no one is really "resting" was *hard*.
Errors included:
- letting slow drop after my very first cast
- loading Shiftless Deeds instead of Forlorn Deeds (65% versus 70% -- and yes, I could tell the difference!)
- not crippling him
So all of the above left Kyth at 40m, Nathyn at 100% health.
I at least had engaged intelligently: Virtue'd Cadsuane's pet and had him tank while I tashed and slowed and then mana-drained for a bit.
Now, a smart person would've said "Let's see... I have a bunch of classes here... who can help me with mana regen? OOOH RIGHT THE NECROMANCER CAN TWITCH ME!" but I credit Cadsuane's teaching for the fact that I utterly failed to think of twitching (well that and a total hyper-focus on keeping slow up, establishing aggro, keeping mana drained, and healing obscenely efficiently so I could med up.)
Instead I spent the next 30 minutes in rapt concentration keeping pia alive while slooooowly regenning mana on Kyth, squeezing every last HP out of every ounce of mana. (oddly mindwrack was resisted about 9 times out of 10. not sure why. maybe no malo?)
Once I got Kyth to fullish mana, though, it was smooth sailing.
1) tash/slow/cripple on Oompah, suspend him, switch to Cads and land a full round of dots and check on pet health etc. CH'ing with Kyth during this.
2) switch back to Oompah, tash/slow/cripple and start the manadrains (made a hotkey with 3 casts, tied it to the spacebar to cast)
3) Hit Pia with a final CH, then heal-over-time him and suspend Kyth, switching to Zorb -- 3 nukes on Zorb, back on Kyth for a CH (possibly then: HoT, and another 3 nukes on Zorb, but most of the time I only did one round of nukes. Kyth got too low on mana with the heals over time if he was nuking too much.)
4) go to step 1
1 hour 35 minutes later, he was dead and Izme got her new robe.
Oddly... I never got bored, heh. Fight changed enough and was just flat out *hard* enough that I was amazed it was an hour 35 when I checked the timing after he died.
Thank you to those who loaned me your chars, particularly Pia who logged into Jumjum right before attempt #2 (do not ask me about attempt #1. Or about the add. Or about sending in Pia too early) but didn't mind me trying again.
Kythsuane, Kythblak, Kythpah, Kythimiles, and, err, well, Kyth:

Kyth, Officer of Temerity
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5 characters on 3 computers on a fight like that where no one is really "resting" was *hard*.
Errors included:
- letting slow drop after my very first cast
- loading Shiftless Deeds instead of Forlorn Deeds (65% versus 70% -- and yes, I could tell the difference!)
- not crippling him
So all of the above left Kyth at 40m, Nathyn at 100% health.
I at least had engaged intelligently: Virtue'd Cadsuane's pet and had him tank while I tashed and slowed and then mana-drained for a bit.
Now, a smart person would've said "Let's see... I have a bunch of classes here... who can help me with mana regen? OOOH RIGHT THE NECROMANCER CAN TWITCH ME!" but I credit Cadsuane's teaching for the fact that I utterly failed to think of twitching (well that and a total hyper-focus on keeping slow up, establishing aggro, keeping mana drained, and healing obscenely efficiently so I could med up.)
Instead I spent the next 30 minutes in rapt concentration keeping pia alive while slooooowly regenning mana on Kyth, squeezing every last HP out of every ounce of mana. (oddly mindwrack was resisted about 9 times out of 10. not sure why. maybe no malo?)
Once I got Kyth to fullish mana, though, it was smooth sailing.
1) tash/slow/cripple on Oompah, suspend him, switch to Cads and land a full round of dots and check on pet health etc. CH'ing with Kyth during this.
2) switch back to Oompah, tash/slow/cripple and start the manadrains (made a hotkey with 3 casts, tied it to the spacebar to cast)
3) Hit Pia with a final CH, then heal-over-time him and suspend Kyth, switching to Zorb -- 3 nukes on Zorb, back on Kyth for a CH (possibly then: HoT, and another 3 nukes on Zorb, but most of the time I only did one round of nukes. Kyth got too low on mana with the heals over time if he was nuking too much.)
4) go to step 1

1 hour 35 minutes later, he was dead and Izme got her new robe.
Oddly... I never got bored, heh. Fight changed enough and was just flat out *hard* enough that I was amazed it was an hour 35 when I checked the timing after he died.
Thank you to those who loaned me your chars, particularly Pia who logged into Jumjum right before attempt #2 (do not ask me about attempt #1. Or about the add. Or about sending in Pia too early) but didn't mind me trying again.
Kythsuane, Kythblak, Kythpah, Kythimiles, and, err, well, Kyth:

Kyth, Officer of Temerity
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