Our run in with the dreaded Bro Council of Epsilon Rho Rho wasn't a total loss. We were able to glean some useful information regarding the rebellion after finding some receipts from Grummus the Hutt's Party Palace next to the remains of a melted shot luge. So we went to go do what we do best: go Shaft on a crime lord!

[Image: bragonkoolaidfinalresiz.png]
[SIZE="1"]Or Kool-Aid Man in Bragon's case[/SIZE]

Ol' Tubby was less than happy for the intrusion, but we were in no mood for his Pillsbury Doughboy angst!

[Image: grummusfinal1resized.png]
[SIZE="1"]He's been mildly pissed off ever since the McRibwich was discontinued[/SIZE]

Shaking down a metric ass-ton of lard has repercussions, like setting off all the seismographs in the Western Hemisphere, but it was worth it! We found out about Princess Leia Thule, one of the key figures in the rebellion, who was being escorted by Han Solusek and Chewbertoxxulous.

[Image: grummusfinal2resized.png]
[SIZE="1"]We also found out that Grummus can actually get uglier[/SIZE]

Off we went, in search of these miscreants attempting to undermine our authority! Our scouts tracked long and hard and finally found their ship (The Millenium Dresolik) on a tiny asteroid. We pursued and wrangled ourselves a Wookie!

[Image: bertfinal1resized.png]
[SIZE="1"]Let the Wookie win? Yeah, we'll think about it...[/SIZE]

We conquered the furry bastard, but the other two managed to run away amidst the conflict. Fortunately for us, we discovered a ticket Chewie had stashed in his fur. It was to a rave at the Stone Henge on Princess Thule's home planet.

[Image: bertfinal2resized.png]
[SIZE="1"]There was fur everywhere and the Vah Shir needed to be deloused[/SIZE]

So we set up an ambush, waiting patiently for a chance to strike. As the rave began, the butterflies and sparkles flew about. We took the opportunity to pounce!

[Image: terrisfinal1resized.png]
[SIZE="1"]Gloiin was not impressed with Princess Thule's choice of attire[/SIZE]

Sadly, that roguish bastard Han Solusek evaded us again, jumping through some weird portal.

[Image: terrisfinal2resized.png]
[SIZE="1"]PSA: Friends don't let friends rave with gargoyles and butterflies[/SIZE]

We were undaunted by the portal that stood before us. We wanted this rebellion under wraps ASAP! So we charged through, chasing Han Solusek.

[Image: portalfinalresized.png]
[SIZE="1"]We also heard there was cake on the other side[/SIZE]

What we saw on the other side we couldn't have imagined in our wildest dreams (Except for those of us looking for some filler before the better raid mobs could be done to advance the plot of these updates)!

[Image: saryrnfinal1resized.png]

Unperturbed, we did what we always do: kicked ass and asked questions later. We accomplished what thousands of teens and college co-eds failed to do before us!

[Image: saryrnfinal2resized.png]
[SIZE="1"]Not even Freddy Kreuger could match this awesomeness[/SIZE]

Crossing dimensions and breaking even the 4th wall! Nothing stands in the way of Temerity as we continue to ascend the ladder of Badassery towards Bruce Lee-dom.

[Image: bruceleefinal.png]
[SIZE="1"]"To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities. And then kick them in the junk."[/SIZE]

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