World Server Down!
Anyone else get booted or having issues logging in?

Yes, Hobart gave an announcement he was going to update the server. I thought he was going to give another 15 minute warning, but apparently THAT announcement was the 15 minute warning. Should be back up soon, if all goes well.
[Image: sigpic914_1.gif]
Elder Daria Vervain - Lich Carolee Nightshade  - Sage Eraiya Meadowsweet - Sage Kylie Santolina - Sage Therma Nuclear - Venerable Lisbeth Artemisias
Rysia - Baking, Blacksmithing, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelcraft, Make Poison, Pottery and Tailoring - all 250 + Trophy (Smithing +15%)
Fishing 200

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