The Noble House of Stormbriar -

As we continue our glorious pursuit to bring nature into balance, a recent telling of a tale by Kinlo Strongarm has unearthed information that may tip the scales in our favor.

"There be some that talk about how the ancient smiths went down to work for the Duke of Below, saying he be needing some fine dwarven smiths. There be tales that some o' the smiths souls were trapped in their hammers, stuck there by some necromancer or something, as punishment or retribution."

Upon further investigation we learned the following information -

Many years ago, the Heretics and the people of Erudin had a grand battle. In the ensuing battles, great magics were performed and many catastophic effects plagued these lands. A grand example of which, would be the Hole.

'The Hole is a mysterious creation. Within the vast caverns created by the magical battles, we found something very interesting. The Seekers call it the Vault.

The Vault is created from a living stone. It was an artifact that was created by Brell Serelis to seal the passageway that he had opened from the Plane of Underfoot to Norrath. The Vault was to keep Norrath safe from some of the more vicious denizens of the Plane of Underfoot. Something went terribly wrong.

To long have the ruins of the old city been infested by the minions of the Underfoot. The creatures that now call the old city home, are led by the Earthen Lord Yael. He is a force to be reckoned with, as he commands only the strongest of the elemental legions.

Therefore on this day we call forth the bravest, strongest, and wisest of our fellow guild members to venture forth into this ruined city. We seek none other than Yael himself. And we also now know that we must find Jael the Wretched, who holds a hammer similar to that spoken of by Kinlo. We have, through those that shall remain namless, discovered that we need to find Jaeil, and make a false present of a shiny tin bowl. This being done and Jaeil's reaction to the false gift will determine the length of Jaeil's life from that moment on. If he attacks us, his life is at an end and we shall move that much farther towards bringing balance back to the land.

Make your mark to sign on!
There will be little in the way of rewards for your efforts, of course we know not what plunder the minions of Underfoot have stored away...

~Rootbear, pilikia (clr), moki (bst), shamoo (shm), tootle (brd), snoot (shd), snozby (enc)

According to our sources the following information will be most helpful during this mission:



~Rootbear, pilikia (clr), moki (bst), shamoo (shm), tootle (brd), snoot (shd), snozby (enc)

Ohh Ho! I see you aren't nearly as brave as I had been led to believe. Alright my timid friends, I will offer a reward of 150 platinum to each of the twelve needed for this mission. Come now, you must be hungry and tired. I shall pay for your night's rest here in the local inn.

But know this... your reward sits in the bank until such day as you make your mark and step forward to be counted as truly temeritous adventurers...

~Rootbear, pilikia (clr), moki (bst), shamoo (shm), tootle (brd), snoot (shd), snozby (enc)

/em puts down his mark on the list

Lashima, 60 Dwarven Priest

Formerly, Mishikal. 60 Undead Priest

/em adds her mark

I am never afraid dear ranger.

The Spankmistress has spoken.


I knew my sister would not be afraid, especially not for a noble raid like this one.

Could we have this raid on a weekend so I can attend?

Lashima, 60 Dwarven Priest

Formerly, Mishikal. 60 Undead Priest

Greetings my brave friends...

A courier has just arrived with information passed on from reliable sources. A well trained and seasoned group of people with the aid of an enchanter should be able to deal with Jaeil the Insane.

The journey to a pool deep within the Hole will become a story to pass down to your grandchildren!

Thus far we have a cleric whos reputation preceeds her and a conjurer of great reknown amongst our ranks. We will also require the might of a warrior and a wizard with great skill to defeat this foe.

Rest well, for our time of departure draws near...

~Rootbear, pilikia (clr), moki (bst), shamoo (shm), tootle (brd), snoot (shd), snozby (enc)

As we have discussed in the past my good friend, I would be honoured to fight by your side once again. At this time I am already involved in a mission that will make me unavailable for possibly the rest of this week. If time is of the essence please try to contact our Master of Chanters Yoda I mean Oompah. Otherwise add my mark to your list and once again we shall slay anything that gets in our way.

Now where is the ale that you promised me Ranger!

Ah yes! the Ale..

Since you are not in possesion of this fine piece of equipment:

Beer Goggles
Weight: 0.2 Size: TINY
Slot: FACE
AC: +7 Cha: +10 Wis: -5 Int: -5
Classes: All Classes
Races: All Races
Slot 1: Type 7

I will buy you a pint...

~Rootbear, pilikia (clr), moki (bst), shamoo (shm), tootle (brd), snoot (shd), snozby (enc)



Ah yes! the Ale.. Since you are not in possesion of this fine piece of equipment: Beer Goggles LORE ITEM MAGIC ITEM NO DROP Weight: 0.2 Size: TINY Slot: FACE AC: +7 Cha: +10 Wis: -5 Int: -5 Classes: All Classes Races: All Races Slot 1: Type 7 I will buy you a pint...

In my personal experience, beer goggles are:

LORE ITEM MAGIC ITEM NO DROP Weight: 0.2 Size: TINY Slot: FACE AC: -20 (+20 to other's targetting) Agi: -20 (+2 Gravities to all movements) Cha: +20 (other target, random) Wis: -20 Int: -20 Classes: All Classes Races: All Races Slot 1: Type 7 EFFECT: Regret of the Three-Legged Quadruped, self-only, causes target to chew off own limb to free self from being perma-rooted, %5 chance of waking with Lady Vox.

Some days it just doesn't pay to chew through the leather restraints.



Ah yes! the Ale..

Since you are not in possesion of this fine piece of equipment:

Beer Goggles
Weight: 0.2 Size: TINY
Slot: FACE
AC: +7 Cha: +10 Wis: -5 Int: -5
Classes: All Classes
Races: All Races
Slot 1: Type 7

I will buy you a pint...

My personal experience is that Zatrik starts to look like one purrty lizzzaaaarrrdd!

Vance -Al'kabor

There will be a great hot magma uprising, the seas shall split.

Two mountains will form one of solid rock the other grains of sand.

The sand will blow away in the wind while the rock stands firm.

The blade is sharp, gods will fall!

did someone call for a wizard?
have nukes will travel =)



Therefore on this day we call forth the bravest, strongest, and wisest of our fellow guild members to venture forth into this ruined city. We seek none other than Yael himself. And we also now know that we must find Jael the Wretched, who holds a hammer similar to that spoken of by Kinlo. We have, through those that shall remain namless, discovered that we need to find Jaeil, and make a false present of a shiny tin bowl. This being done and Jaeil's reaction to the false gift will determine the length of Jaeil's life from that moment on. If he attacks us, his life is at an end and we shall move that much farther towards bringing balance back to the land.

Yael/Jael/Jaeil...wait a minute. Are there mispellings or are you talking about me?

My name's Jael.. Rhymes with I YELL!  /giggle

Hehe.. how bout this..

Beer Goggles
Weight: 1.0 Size TINY
Slot: FACE
AC: +10 Wis:-10 Int:-10
Bane DMG: Self vs. Ogre Female +15
Effect: Regret (Worn)
Classes: All Classes
Races: All Races
Slot 1: Type 7

Hunter Beiel Truesight
lvl 65+50 Forest Stalker of Karana
210 Fletching, 113 Tailoring, 122 Pottery

EDIT: noticed the date lol

The King of Death, Saenayil Shadowraith

Edited by Saenayil 8/2/2004 8:27 AM (Most Recent)

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