Return of the King Discussion
I made this to talk about RotK, the final installment of Lord of the Rings. Do NOT give away the ending for those who haven't seen it. You can make fun of characters you don't like though =p!! Just let everyone know how you feel...and yes Ciel u can show how the movie and book differ =p<br /><br /><br /><font color="#666666">Elder <font color="#666666"><a href=";resize=true" target="new">Rhaughne</a> "the Wang" Dragonlord <br></font><font color="#666666" size="3"><br></font></font><font color="#808080" face="Times New Roman" size="3">"People
can no longer cover their eyes.&nbsp; If this disturbs you then walk
away.&nbsp; You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
Ten Thousand fists in the air"</font><font color="#666666"><strong><em><br>

Dorfs rock. Not those flimsy elves <IMG id=IconFace_Face_Cool src="/Faces/face_cool.gif" border=0><BR><BR>Overall I thought the movie kicked ass. The 3 hours flew by.<br /><br /><br /><P>Tofu - Dorf Paladin Extraordinaire</IMG> <BR><A href="" target=_Blank>Magelo Profile</A></P><SELECT name=Osirisis> <OPTION selected>Master Smith (188)<OPTION>Master Potter (162)<OPTION>Master Cook (135)<OPTION>Master Tailor (158)<OPTION>Master Brewer (187)<OPTION>Master Fletcher (182)<OPTION>Master Jeweler (183)</OPTION></SELECT><BR>

I was going to wait a week or two to see it myself.<br /><br /><br />Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.<br>

Seeing it tonight, hope they end the trilogy like the book ended =)<br /><br />And, well yes, dorfs rock. Elves rock even more tho!!<br /><br /><br /><font size="1">
<a href=" ">Lashima</a>, 60 Dwarven Priest
Formerly, <a href="">Mishikal</a>. 60 Undead Priest<br>
<a href=""></a>

Just remember it still only counts as one <IMG id=IconFace_Face_Wink src="/Faces/face_wink.gif" border=0>&nbsp;<IMG id=IconFace_Face_Grin src="/Faces/face_grin.gif" border=0><BR><BR>You'll understand before the night is out.<br /><br /><br /><P>Tofu - Dorf Paladin Extraordinaire</IMG> <BR><A href="" target=_Blank>Magelo Profile</A></P><SELECT name=Osirisis> <OPTION selected>Master Smith (188)<OPTION>Master Potter (162)<OPTION>Master Cook (135)<OPTION>Master Tailor (158)<OPTION>Master Brewer (187)<OPTION>Master Fletcher (182)<OPTION>Master Jeweler (183)</OPTION></SELECT><BR>

Outta here in 10 minutes to see it.<br /><br />Derechai<br />Level 58 Cleric<br /><br /><br /><a href=">Derechai Woundmender</a>

<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>Outta here in 10 minutes to see it. Derechai Level 58 Cleric<hr></div></center>Bastard<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_wink.gif"><br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________<br><br><a href="">Can Dual Wield AND carry a dozen donuts.</a><em>- <br></em><br>Give up that bitter black urine men call coffee. Ahh. Java devil, you are now my bitch.<br>--- <em><strong>The Tick<br></strong></em><br><a href="">Tick sound bite</a><br><br><br>

Yup, me in an hour and a half, I wonder how long thel ine will be. I'm guessing if I'm my usual half hour in advance I'll get prime seats<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"><br /><br /><br /><font size="1">
<a href=" ">Lashima</a>, 60 Dwarven Priest
Formerly, <a href="">Mishikal</a>. 60 Undead Priest<br>
<a href=""></a>

<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>Just remember it still only counts as one <IMG id=IconFace_Face_Wink src="/Faces/face_wink.gif" border=0> <IMG id=IconFace_Face_Grin src="/Faces/face_grin.gif" border=0><BR><BR>You'll understand before the night is out.<hr></div></center>

That scene was SO BAD ASS!!!!<br /><br /><br /><font color="#666666">Elder <font color="#666666"><a href=";resize=true" target="new">Rhaughne</a> "the Wang" Dragonlord <br></font><font color="#666666" size="3"><br></font></font><font color="#808080" face="Times New Roman" size="3">"People
can no longer cover their eyes.&nbsp; If this disturbs you then walk
away.&nbsp; You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
Ten Thousand fists in the air"</font><font color="#666666"><strong><em><br>

The book was great!!! I went go see the movie with the knowledge of the book as my ally, knowing some parts would change. BUT THIS WAS A GREAT MOVIE NONETHELESS!!!!! =D<br /><br />Dwarves Rock, Elves Rule, but the King of Men Reigns supreme above al!!!!!!<br /><br /><br /><font color="#666666">Elder <font color="#666666"><a href=";resize=true" target="new">Rhaughne</a> "the Wang" Dragonlord <br></font><font color="#666666" size="3"><br></font></font><font color="#808080" face="Times New Roman" size="3">"People
can no longer cover their eyes.&nbsp; If this disturbs you then walk
away.&nbsp; You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
Ten Thousand fists in the air"</font><font color="#666666"><strong><em><br>

Legolas is Hot, aragon even hotter, and Farimir just has that baby boy face... oh you guys probably didn't want the girls perspective on the movie.<br /><br /><br />The Spankmistress has spoken.
<a href=""><br></a>

...and my favorite 1-liner:<br /><br />"all of that still counts as one" Gimli<br /><br /><br /><font color="#666666">Elder <font color="#666666"><a href=";resize=true" target="new">Rhaughne</a> "the Wang" Dragonlord <br></font><font color="#666666" size="3"><br></font></font><font color="#808080" face="Times New Roman" size="3">"People
can no longer cover their eyes.&nbsp; If this disturbs you then walk
away.&nbsp; You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
Ten Thousand fists in the air"</font><font color="#666666"><strong><em><br>

<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>Legolas is Hot, aragon even hotter, and Farimir just has that baby boy face... oh you guys probably didn't want the girls perspective on the movie.<hr></div></center><BR><BR>What about Harry Mr. Anderson?<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________<br><br><a href="">Can Dual Wield AND carry a dozen donuts.</a><em>- <br></em><br>Give up that bitter black urine men call coffee. Ahh. Java devil, you are now my bitch.<br>--- <em><strong>The Tick<br></strong></em><br><a href="">Tick sound bite</a><br><br><br>

Take up what has been yours by right ... MR ANDERSON<br /><br /><br /><font size="1">
<a href=" ">Lashima</a>, 60 Dwarven Priest
Formerly, <a href="">Mishikal</a>. 60 Undead Priest<br>
<a href=""></a>

Tofu prolly loved this line...<br /><br />"throw down the ranger...become who you were born to be"!!!! MR. ANDERSON<br /><br /><br /><font color="#666666">Elder <font color="#666666"><a href=";resize=true" target="new">Rhaughne</a> "the Wang" Dragonlord <br></font><font color="#666666" size="3"><br></font></font><font color="#808080" face="Times New Roman" size="3">"People
can no longer cover their eyes.&nbsp; If this disturbs you then walk
away.&nbsp; You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
Ten Thousand fists in the air"</font><font color="#666666"><strong><em><br>

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