Moss finally after to long
Hey all sorry i disapeared but it was not my choice. I was driving a car in Chicago on michigan and Monroe another car came speeding through the intersection i have only just now have recoved enough to type with two fingers recovery is slow i hope to be back soon unfortunanlty staying awake for any period of time is still very hard i miss the fun see you soon brain bruising and all that.<br />

Yikes!! Glad to hear you're getting better. Take your time, we'll still be here whenever you can rejoin us.<br /><br />Your health is much more important than EQ. Take care of yourself, and I look forward to another message soon saying, "I'm all better!"<br /><br /><br /><a href="">Zorblak</a><br>

arrgh! it's a conspiracy to keep druids of the server :(<br /><br />get well, hope to see you again soon.<br /><br /><br />Mechaike <a href=";resize=true" target="magelo"><u>Magelo</u></a> // Katitonic-bot <a href=";resize=true"><u>Magelo</u></a> <br>
GM: Blacksmith / Pottery / Jewelcraft / Fletching<br>

Oh man Moss, that sounds horrible. I hope you have as speedy a recovery as possible.<br /><br /><br />--<BR>
<a href="">Kyth</a>, Officer of Temerity<BR>
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heal, Moss..... <br /><br />rest, be well, and we'll look forward to your return. I'm so sorry to hear of the accident - and so glad that youre on the road to recovery.<br /><br />xoxoxox<br /><br /><br />----- "I don't say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought to look as if we could." ...Orson Welles -----

Sorry to hear that Moss. Must have taken some effort just to bring us up to speed. Thanks for the effort on your part.<br /><br /><br /><P>Tofu - Dorf Paladin Extraordinaire</IMG> <BR><A href="" target=_Blank>Magelo Profile</A></P><SELECT name=Osirisis> <OPTION selected>Master Smith (188)<OPTION>Master Potter (162)<OPTION>Master Cook (135)<OPTION>Master Tailor (158)<OPTION>Master Brewer (187)<OPTION>Master Fletcher (182)<OPTION>Master Jeweler (183)</OPTION></SELECT><BR>

damn i waas wondering what happened to you bro, good druids are hard to find these days =D and your one of the great ones on our server. but like zorb said, take some down time and get better, we look forward to seeing you in game , but seeing in in game with a full recovery and not having to force yourself awake is better =D.<br /><br /><br />Spinjas says: Mobs Dont kill people, chanters with mobs kill people.

((charm breaks)))

Spinjas says : Yeah ok ouch!!

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