The Queen of Pain
Just two more kills left before we have access to the tower of SolRo! (two hard kills, alas, Rydda`Dar and Lord Mithianiel Marr. Oh and a bunch of backflagging....)

A named before her that hits for 3k...

4 adds spawn every 10% that her HP goes down....

A bird flying around and casting an AE silence....

None of it was able to protect Saryrn tonight, as Temerity took her down for the first time:

Surprisingly easy after you get the hang of the event.
TAKP: Styx (shd), Kythers (wiz), Kynn (mag), Kyth (not a cleric),
AK: Kyth, Killer of Gods and Tanks, retired officer of Temerity

Some other shots I have:

TAKP: Styx (shd), Kythers (wiz), Kynn (mag), Kyth (not a cleric),
AK: Kyth, Killer of Gods and Tanks, retired officer of Temerity

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'Nuff said.

Congrats guys!

Of all the crawls in PoP I wanted to do and finish this is the one I wanted to do the most! So happy you guys got to do it.

alas I'd even log in just to do this crawl but I no longer even have teh intranets at my apartment anymore. I'm coming to you guys via overpriced cell phone gadgetry PDA thingie lol. So when they port EQ to the sidekick2, I'm so there lol.

Untill then keep kicking PoP butt and worrying about the names much later.

And mang, stop violating my botted toons body while I'm away, I don't wanna come back in three years after I graduate and my toon be curled up in a corner shaking viloently in a fetal position.

Keep rocking it guys.


I am soooo sorry RL called me out of the raid at 11pm. I can't wait to get her again.

Kyth Wrote:

Not one comment yet on what was happening here after everyone else took a Tloc?

The spiked bed of pain? No one else around?

Louie is moving in on the Roneb/Kyth/Mordor love triangle?

Zahla Wrote:Louie is moving in on the Roneb/Kyth/Mordor love triangle?

Its not a triangle. Its more like a polygon...all are invited so there are many sides to it!

TemOrgy lives!

Notice im dancing? Big Grin

I guess Necromancers know how to handle the dominatrixes...

[Image: Mangs_pet.jpg]
Sweet Jesus, what a hot Shaman!

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