10-19-2006, 11:07 AM
For a long, long time, I've wanted to solo Lodi. All my friends were doing it. It was the cool thing to do. But for all our strengths as a soloing class, wizards have some serious weaknesses too. Summoning mobs suck to kite, and if we can't root a mob, kiting or rune-tanking are our only options. Sadly, Lodi's MR is high enough that root never lasts long, and he hits too fast to be able to rune-tank and still have time to nuke, so yo-yo kiting him was the only option. (I've long thought that if I could get a Willsapper, I might be able to rune-tank him, but Vaniki has not cooperated by being up...)
I've tried several times before, and never been successful. But after last night's raid, I wanted to end the night on a high note, so I went out to Iceclad to try again. I ran out, found him, snared him, and started letting loose. Unfortunately, my phone rang in the middle of the fight, and I wasn't paying enough attention to the kite, and snare dropped. Let me tell you, trying to resnare a summoning mob who's mad at you is not easy. So I gave up, and fled to ToFS, barely making it in alive.
Stripped of all my buffs, I figured I was done. But fortunately, my guildmates helped me out, giving me some buffs and helping to load bots to give me the others, and soon I was set for another go.
Technically, this is not a pure solo, because I didn't only self-buff. I went in with full raid buffs (my rune is missing from this screen-shot, but I was using it heavily):
![[Image: LodiBuffs.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiBuffs.jpg)
It was raining, but I was still able to locate the turtle. Took several tries, but I got him snared. From there the battle was on.
I opened up with Call of Xuzl (my AA sword pet), and then let loose with a Strike of Solusek. As expected, that put him into summoning mode, so from there it was run, refresh rune, get summoned, run, nuke, get summoned. Every so often, it was time to refresh snare.
The battle raged for a while. I was being careful, but it was paying off. I didn't get hit too much when rune was down, I kept snare on him (except one brief moment when it dropped after several resists, but fortunately the next one landed), and I was wearing him down. Everything seemed to point to victory:
![[Image: LodiGoing.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiGoing.jpg)
Then, disaster struck:
![[Image: LodiNotGoing.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiNotGoing.jpg)
Too many resists, I couldn't finish him off. If not for the supportive comments from my guild, I might have lost hope. At least they were full of helpful suggestions:
![[Image: LodiOOM.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiOOM.jpg)
I was regenning mana fast enough to keep my rune up, and to throw small nukes at him to keep him from regenning too much, but I couldn't smack him down.
And then my mod rod recycled, and the gods of Everquest smiled down upon me:
![[Image: LodiCrit.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiCrit.jpg)
I could not imagine a better time for a big crit. The deed was done!
![[Image: LodiSlay.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiSlay.jpg)
Loot was Club of the Ice Ocean, Knotted Turtlebone Ring, Fourth Part of an Iceclad Map, Section of Lodizal's Shell, and Rune of Rathe.
And the corpse shot:
![[Image: LodiCorpse.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiCorpse.jpg)
(Yes, I was so tired that I stupidly didn't switch to third person POV for the screenshot to get myself in the pic. Guess I'm just going to have to do it again some time.)
I've tried several times before, and never been successful. But after last night's raid, I wanted to end the night on a high note, so I went out to Iceclad to try again. I ran out, found him, snared him, and started letting loose. Unfortunately, my phone rang in the middle of the fight, and I wasn't paying enough attention to the kite, and snare dropped. Let me tell you, trying to resnare a summoning mob who's mad at you is not easy. So I gave up, and fled to ToFS, barely making it in alive.
Stripped of all my buffs, I figured I was done. But fortunately, my guildmates helped me out, giving me some buffs and helping to load bots to give me the others, and soon I was set for another go.
Technically, this is not a pure solo, because I didn't only self-buff. I went in with full raid buffs (my rune is missing from this screen-shot, but I was using it heavily):
![[Image: LodiBuffs.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiBuffs.jpg)
It was raining, but I was still able to locate the turtle. Took several tries, but I got him snared. From there the battle was on.
I opened up with Call of Xuzl (my AA sword pet), and then let loose with a Strike of Solusek. As expected, that put him into summoning mode, so from there it was run, refresh rune, get summoned, run, nuke, get summoned. Every so often, it was time to refresh snare.
The battle raged for a while. I was being careful, but it was paying off. I didn't get hit too much when rune was down, I kept snare on him (except one brief moment when it dropped after several resists, but fortunately the next one landed), and I was wearing him down. Everything seemed to point to victory:
![[Image: LodiGoing.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiGoing.jpg)
Then, disaster struck:
![[Image: LodiNotGoing.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiNotGoing.jpg)
Too many resists, I couldn't finish him off. If not for the supportive comments from my guild, I might have lost hope. At least they were full of helpful suggestions:
![[Image: LodiOOM.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiOOM.jpg)
I was regenning mana fast enough to keep my rune up, and to throw small nukes at him to keep him from regenning too much, but I couldn't smack him down.
And then my mod rod recycled, and the gods of Everquest smiled down upon me:
![[Image: LodiCrit.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiCrit.jpg)
I could not imagine a better time for a big crit. The deed was done!
![[Image: LodiSlay.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiSlay.jpg)
Loot was Club of the Ice Ocean, Knotted Turtlebone Ring, Fourth Part of an Iceclad Map, Section of Lodizal's Shell, and Rune of Rathe.
And the corpse shot:
![[Image: LodiCorpse.jpg]](http://jmrobins.home.acedsl.com/images/LodiCorpse.jpg)
(Yes, I was so tired that I stupidly didn't switch to third person POV for the screenshot to get myself in the pic. Guess I'm just going to have to do it again some time.)