It is time to post your best screenshots. You have until 2pm PST, November 28th to post you favorite, most artistic, most bizarre, funniest, extraordinary screenshots.

There will be poll held from November 28th to the 30th to determine the winner.

Please post your entries below, and don't be shy!

Winner will receive: 5000pp
2nd place: 2000pp
3rd place: 1000pp

Here are the rules:

1. You are limited to no more than 3 entries per month over the course of the contest. Only the first 3 screenshots you post will be admitted into the poll.

2. If you are having trouble posting or linking a screenshot, don't ask me how to do it.

3. Have fun! Be creative! Make us cackle gleefully! Good luck to all the contestants!

We will begin a new contest on the first day of every month.

Keep taking those screenshots!

-- Uerinka and Arguile Ganjpuffer --
Arguile Ganjpuffer

Shtop looking at me shwan.

Here are my entries for the month:

First shot is one of the shyer dragons on the server. This was taken as Naggy banished me.

[Image: Naggy.jpg]

Second is archery practice, a.k.a. Utdaan soloing Lodi. I came along "just in case," but since I didn't need to help on the kill I went for the camera.

[Image: Ut-and-Lodi.jpg]

Third screenshot is a tradeskiller's dream, completely un-edited. The random numbers were in my favor that day.

[Image: JC247-250.gif]

And then I've got 2 more that aren't really worthy of the competition, but I wanted to post anyway. Nerf Shadowknights! (mob was level 60)

[Image: HT_for_1.gif]

And finally, /auction WTB spellchecker for EQ devs

[Image: Comm2_spellcheck.jpg]
Elder Dwin Gamgee <Temerity>

Since it's November...
Happy Halloween!

Halloween Spirit

very nice. thanks vrayna!
[Image: 773.png]

cool pic V
Perin  Perrin Goldeneyes 
The pInking'Gnomerlord & Short-Bus Operator


ok, trying image posting for the first time. hopefully i'll get it right.
some of my screenies are really, really old. don't be surprised to see some old skool players.

pic 1: unicorns really DO exist

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

pic 2: ... smell good?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

pic 3: the guild bug strikes back

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

[Image: F-newton.jpg]

this next one is sort of an S & M compilation:
[Image: bondage.jpg]

and finally, me doing a wheelie on my horsey:
[Image: wheelie.jpg]

Corba Wrote:this next one is sort of an S & M compilation:
[Image: bondage.jpg]


wow, that's not bondage, that's just scary! ...too funny, Corba!

I forgot about that conversation...thanks for the painful reminder. LOL. :o
Rheyn O'Seelen [Barbarian Prophet of the 65th rite](retired)
Onyanka D`Ssussun [Dark Elf Cleric of the 31st rung] & Nana [Halfling Druid of the 12th circle]
[Image: th_Bronies-tolerateandlove.jpg]

/em opens can of worms. Big Grin

I'd just like to say this: this is partly a screeshot competition, and partly a doctored screenshot competition.. wait, let me revise that statement; this is a screenshot competition that keeps being won by those who doctor screenies.

I'm a purist; I think baseball should still be National League versus National League, American League versus American League until the world series. I think Zidane was cast out because a referee off the field told the field referee what he'd done, and that was not purist soccer. Instant replay in the NFL still doesn't assure they get the call right (last superbowl comes to mind, among many other games).

It is not my competition, but I'm just putting my opinion out there; the rules are very simple, so it strikes me there is nothing against doctoring the screenies, but I think the best screenies should be pure screenie.

IMHO, of course. Wink


P.S. - No offense to Socs and Ave, I loved your work! I also dabble in graphic arts in my profession, so... take it with a grain of salt yo! :p
Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

I tend to agree Thik but the contest did call for your most artistic and creative, which is why I decided to cut loose for the fun of it more than anything.

Might I point out that this was adressed the first month, and the decision was to allow shopped pics... Not that this matters to me, since I can't even figure out what the buttons in Photoshop do. Smile
Main -
Bloodletter The (65 Beastlord of Temerity

Alts -
Bloodletter The (65 Beastlord of Temerity)
Doerden Bloodless (65 Necromancer of Temerity)
Itunes (65 Bard of Temerity
Spie VSpie (42 Rogue of Temerity)
Starsha Wrote:p.s. mental note, don't piss of BL, he'll come after me with teeth, claws, and the law!

Rheyn Wrote::eek:

I forgot about that conversation...thanks for the painful reminder. LOL. :o

I'm thinking someone should start a contest for the most embarassing /gu mistell evah!!!

Gawd that's awesome.


Zahla Wrote:I'm thinking someone should start a contest for the most embarassing /gu mistell evah!!!

Gawd that's awesome.


Teehee. Big Grin

Forest Stalker Thiklan Ghengis
>>-------->   Keeper of the Wood :p
Thiklan's Mac'Gelo  Nesta's Mac'Gelo

[Image: ThiklanFinal.jpg]

Zahla Wrote:I'm thinking someone should start a contest for the most embarassing /gu mistell evah!!!

Gawd that's awesome.

Candidates for typo of the year:

TAKP: Styx (shd), Kythers (wiz), Kynn (mag), Kyth (not a cleric),
AK: Kyth, Killer of Gods and Tanks, retired officer of Temerity

lol Those are hilarious Kyth. As always thanks for sharing from your library. Big Grin

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