Have you checked your PoP flags today?

I thought I was missing something. I did not have time to figger it out myself.

Kyth Wrote:we can't baby people along with every single flagging combination

Waah! Waah waaah WAH! WaaaaaaaaaaH!

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley

Well, speaking as a person to whom this is totally new, I must say that this seems to be incredibly tough to track. So I was browsing for info on the subject and found a page at Allah's. It seems like a decent guide, especially if cross referenced with other guides and the knowledge of some of the more experienced peeps in guild.

I have a lot of studying to do. I'll have to print them out for reading on the john err... I mean in my office.


Quote:I have a lot of studying to do. I'll have to print them out for reading on the john err... I mean in my office.

I thought the john was everyone's office...hmm, or at least where my kids want to have the family meeting... Tongue

I don't think I have any pop flags to check, but I'll study the links as well to be sure Rheyn is squared away. Smile
Rheyn O'Seelen [Barbarian Prophet of the 65th rite](retired)
Onyanka D`Ssussun [Dark Elf Cleric of the 31st rung] & Nana [Halfling Druid of the 12th circle]
[Image: th_Bronies-tolerateandlove.jpg]

Edit didn't realize this was a public forum. I will make my posts in private.
Bora Gann
Warrior of Rallos Zek

PoJ trials too. Those are also something you can take charge of. They are one-group events, and won't be done on raid nights.
Danidianya Whitestar
Warder of Al'Kabor
Protector of Jaggedpine


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Edit: Well I wass checking the forum on my Treo, and sometimes it is just a little hard to get it to work right... sorry about the empty post.
Main -
Bloodletter The (65 Beastlord of Temerity

Alts -
Bloodletter The (65 Beastlord of Temerity) http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1305289)
Doerden Bloodless (65 Necromancer of Temerity)
Itunes (65 Bard of Temerity http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1371193)
Spie VSpie (42 Rogue of Temerity)
Starsha Wrote:p.s. mental note, don't piss of BL, he'll come after me with teeth, claws, and the law!

Bloodletter Wrote:Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.
WTG, Blood :p
[Image: 1424.png]

I was wondering what was up with that post... Smile


Everyone please check your flags. See Kyth's first post in this thread for screenshots of *exactly* what your flags need to be.
Elder Dwin Gamgee <Temerity>

/bump again.

EVERYONE needs to read the fist post in this thread and check your flags. Check this before Wednesday's Grummus kill, and check again before Friday's Bert kill. Don't waste a flagging raid because you missed a hail.

Edit: Duh, thanks Mang.
Elder Dwin Gamgee <Temerity>

Psst. Wednesday's Grummus kill. Wink

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