Tonight I dine on turtle soup!
Nice job Zorb Big Grin

You inspired me Zorb.

So I whacked him tonight.

Straight melee (no nukes). Self buffs, used my sleeve and 9th ring clicky DS and the Reverse DS (forgot to use the shield clicky).

love it congrats to you both
Perin  Perrin Goldeneyes 
The pInking'Gnomerlord & Short-Bus Operator


So where are the screenies, Cromis??
~~~ On Indefinite Hiatus ~~~
Huntress Kelluae Shadetree, Forest Stalker
Alts: Lanfear - Ella - Graendel - Shassa - Ondott - Sanika
Trader: Korra

WoW Alter Ego:
Illyx, Draenei Shaman

They will come eventually. I am slow getting my pics moved and cleaned up. Usually when I have time to sit at that particular box, I am logged in : )

I think I am setting up a second box near it later this weekend since my son wants to play WC3 against me.

Grats to you also Cromis on the turtle kill.
Bora Gann
Warrior of Rallos Zek

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