eqmac.com hacked
Willow, and others outside of Temerity,<br /><br />I can't agree more with you, and I'm sure many of my guildies agree too. It needs to be up, and is a great tool and resource for our server to keep it alive. <br /><br />F whoever is taking it down, if that's what happened again.<br /><br />Kyth is taking a break from the game at the moment and she has normally been our primary contact and I think co-admin of eqmac.com<br /><br />I'm quite sure someone within our guild, as Mang said, is trying to get ahold of Khama.<br /><br />Zahla<br /><br /><br />-------------------------------------------<A target="new" href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1170154"><U><BR>Feral Lordess Zahla</U></A> <BR><BR><A target="new" href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1225778"><U>Harr the goateed Wizard<BR><BR></U></A>

Zahla said:<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>F whoever is taking it down, if that's what happened again.
Z's so drunk he tinks he's meh.<br /><br /><br /><a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1175331">Frer</a>-Human Healer Guy & Stuff
<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1284588">Shooter</a>-Pimp Ranjah
<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~parallax33/Frer.jpg">

If eqmac does not come back, I am considering starting a new "guild" here, to cover more or less the same purpose. Thoughts?<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

Lana was also thinking about doing that as well. As far as trying to get hold of Khama, I tried again last night to call him....no answer, just his voicemail. I will try again in the early afternoon today.<br /><br /><br /><a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=834254" target="_Blank"><img src="http://members.cox.net/fbiven/testbanner.jpg"></img></a><br>
<SELECT NAME = "Teh Tradeskilz">
<OPTION SELECTED>Grand Master Fletcher (250)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Baking (200)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Brewing (200)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Jewellery Craft (200)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Pottery (200)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Smithing (175)</OPTION>
<OPTION>Tailoring (166)</OPTION></SELECT><br>
<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1254571" target="_Blank">Wulfgar</a><br>
52 Warrior<br>
<SELECT NAME = "Other Tradeskilz">
<OPTION>Brewing (143)</OPTION></SELECT>

I am curious... is the WoW site for mac gone too?&nbsp; I can't remember the URL.<br>
I tried looking for Khama in another game he was playing... he had not
been on in 30 days and did not let his "spouse" in that game know he
was leaving.&nbsp; It seems his account is cancelled or expired.&nbsp;
Was hoping to find another way to reach him, but was only told to try
radio phoenix??<br>
Any word from Kyth?&nbsp; I actually have some supplies I think she was
looking for and would like to know when she will be popping by again :-)<br>
Anyways, if we need to start a new global site for EQMac, please make
sure to post on all the active guilds public folders so that those of
us who can help are in the loop to be able to do so.&nbsp; And for
those who can't, they can at least help in other ways like spreading
the word.<br>
Thanks for being persistent Utdaan... everyone does appreciate you and everyone else who is trying to find out what is going on.<br>
All the best,<br>
<br><br /><br /><br />In Service to the Horde,<br>
Willow - Beastlord
Taldara - Rogue
<SELECT name=WillowSkills> <OPTION selected>Willow's Tradeskills:<OPTION>Master Tailor (153+)<OPTION>Master Potter (122+)<OPTION>Master Brewer (186+)<OPTION>Master Smith (173+)<OPTION> Fletcher (0)<OPTION>Fisher (90+)<OPTION>Jeweler (0)<OPTION>0Chef (0)</OPTION></SELECT>

Sounds like RL issues are happening.&nbsp; I know Khama used to play A Tale In The Desert, is that the one you checked?<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_cry.gif">&nbsp; If we had eqmac back I could post useless stuff like this more often.<BR><BR><A href="http://www.comics.com/creators/strangebrew/archive/strangebrew-20051021.html">http://www.comics.com/creators/strangebrew/archive/strangebrew-20051021.html</A><BR><BR>Remind anyone else of Coldain quests?<BR><BR><br /><br /><br /><A href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=1183987" target=_blank><FONT color=#ff0000>Rrin</FONT></A> - Vah Shir Shaman<BR>Rril - Human Warrior<BR>Rrot - Ogre Shaman<BR>Patera - Human Cleric<BR>Pathfinders of Al'Kabor<BR>

Yeniu said:<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>Sounds like RL issues are happening.&nbsp; I know
Khama used to play A Tale In The Desert, is that the one you checked?<br>
Yep and he has a "spouse" in that game...you can also tell how long its
been since someone logged in and/or if their acct is
active/cancelled.&nbsp; I sent her a message to see if she had info on
him and was told to check radio phoenix.<br>
<br><br /><br /><br />In Service to the Horde,<br>
Willow - Beastlord
Taldara - Rogue
<SELECT name=WillowSkills> <OPTION selected>Willow's Tradeskills:<OPTION>Master Tailor (153+)<OPTION>Master Potter (122+)<OPTION>Master Brewer (186+)<OPTION>Master Smith (173+)<OPTION> Fletcher (0)<OPTION>Fisher (90+)<OPTION>Jeweler (0)<OPTION>0Chef (0)</OPTION></SELECT>

Well they can't mean the movie by that name.&nbsp; The live astronomy program?<br>
In any case, this doesn't bode well for eqmac.&nbsp; I hope Khama is ok.&nbsp; I think we should think about alternatives.<br>
<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

Yeniu, I like the idea of creating a 'Guild' on GP. Maybe we could all just gather up on Alliance of Friends GP site? That's kind of the thing they have going there anyhow. Pretty much serverwide group and or raid announcements. Granted we would have to talk to the site master for AoF to see if the site could open up more forums along the lines of what eqmac.com was. But worth a shot? /shrug.<br /><br />If things don't work out with AoF, could just make Al'Kabor Server the new 'Guild' name. Then set it up like eqmac.com. I'd be willing to help make that happen. Just let me know if these ideas are rubbish or worth trying. Thanks<br /><br /><br /><html>
<a href="http://wow.allakhazam.com/profile.html?87249">Zabba</a> Tauren Druid on <a href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.aspx?fn=wow-realm-malygos">Malygos</a>
A healin', dancin', lovin' druid, who's always in a rootin', nukin', Dot'n mood!
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=lr_HR-iIlYg"> WoW Meets Porn Video!</a>

Yeah, I'd thought about both of those possibilities.&nbsp; Sliding in
with AoF would be the fastest, but might be not be taken as
all-encompassing as I'd like this to be.<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

no keep it old school, keepers of the faith!<br /><br />(for anyone that didnt know, it was the 'test' guild for the eqmac beta that pretty much everyone was in)<br /><br /><br />--------------------------<br>
UnRetired member of Temerity<br>
<font color="#eeeeff" size="1">if you can read this, you're browsing the web wrong.</font>

Smetana went ahead and started a "guild" for the server. <br>
<b><a href="Guild.aspx?GuildID=49745">
Al'Kabor Server
(thanks Smetana)<br>
<br><br /><br /><br /><br>

Heh. EQMac.com should be back up and running sometime this weekend. I think I fixed the problem.<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_wink.gif"><br><br>
--Nik<br /><br /><br /><a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=820004">Nikolai Lianfyrr</a>,<br>
Khati Sha Feral Lord<br>
<SELECT name=NikSkills> <OPTION selected>Nik's Tradeskills:<OPTION>Grand Master Tailor (250)<OPTION>Grand Master Potter (250)<OPTION>Grand Master Brewer (250)<OPTION>Master Smith (238)<OPTION>Master Fletcher (207)<OPTION>Grand Master Fisher (200)<OPTION>Master Jeweler (200)<OPTION>Master Chef (200)</OPTION></SELECT>

What was the poblem Nik?<br /><br />Thanks for putting your mind to it as well. I <3 EQMac.<br /><br /><br />Redleaf

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