<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>Xxapp, I'm not quite sure that you even understand Temerity's position on this, so try not to direct inflammatory comments at DC and Temerity.

Cadsuane has pointed out what our policy is now, and it's very clear. We're doing first in force, NOT who schedules him first. We cannot have it both ways.<hr></div></center>

Hey, I'm Gnats new apprentice dead horse beater, leave me alone!!! Go get your own damn horse!!!<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_devil.gif"> It's MINE... ALL MINE!!!<br />

<center><div class="QuotedForumText" style="width: 90%;text-align: left;"><hr><b>quote:</b><br><br>
So with that said, I'd like to know did DC try to steal the kill out from under Temerity or does DC believe that first (person from) guild owns the mob?

Right. So, since Temerity has been killing this mob for a while now, any attempt on our part to get in a shot at Va'Dyn qualifies as a kill steal? I know you, Xxapp, and I truly hope you don't believe yourself so arrogant.

I don't come here to debate semantics about who should be contacting whom about killing what where and when. I come here to make a platform for increased communication between our guilds. Pardon my language, but this shitty debacle is never going to go away if we don't reach an agreement of some sort. If it's "first by force and damn you, Dark Conquest" then be it. But it's my understanding that the topic is still up in the air.

I don't aim to piss in anyone's cheerios -- I just want to talk.

As for DC members sending flagrant emails to T members... Send me their names and the content of the messages in a private message, please.<br /><br /><br /><hr align="left" noshade size="1" width="30%">

Try to steal the kill? There was a small discussion and then they left the zone. Let's not blow this out of proportion.<br /><br />Anyway, sorry you feel that way Jan, I think this is the best though. This is the way it works on every other server though, and I think it rewards people who can get together quickly rather than leaving him up for days because people are too lazy because they think it's their turn. I don't see any reason why DC won't get to that point soon, afterall you are the bigger guild.<br /><br /><br />Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.<br>

To cut to the quick - Is it "if first by force, screw you DC", or is it possible to come to agreement.<br /><br />Either way i dont' really care - i just want to know if we are pissing off assholes, or hurting possbile friends<br /><br />Jan<br /><br /><br />My Cuse went down like a Lead Zeppelin.

Whoah - i have seen "the bigger guild" brought up enough. What is meant by that? IO dont' understand why that is brought into play.<br /><br /><br />My Cuse went down like a Lead Zeppelin.

Sorry guys but i got to jump in on this and tell you all the truth EQ.<br><br>Read Cads first post about First with raid force. Plain and simple if you guys got the raid force there at the time the mob is up, kill it and be on your way. This guild coming to agreements for times, spawns and rotation is just going to cause ten times more problems between both your guilds.<br><br>Temerity isn't always going to have the raid force at the time for mobs, same as DC isn't going to have the force at the time for mobs. This is what EQ is intended for and its pure 100% competition for loots. This game is based around greed and first come first served. <br><br>So what happens if 3 more guilds pop up with nice raid force that want these mobs too? Going to have 5 guilds taking turns for uba mobs all week long? Nope don't see that happening. No way 4 other guilds are going to sit there and twidel their thumbs waiting for guild_01 kill soandso mob all week long. I say this for every guild out there, you want a mob/zone haul your raid force there and kill it when its up, or have your raid force sit at the mobs spawn point for 8 hours waiting for it. Up to you.<br><br>Thats EQ for you no matter what server you on. <br><br /><br /><br /><img src= target=_blank> </img> <BR>
<A href="">Vance</a> -Al'kabor <BR>Vancetradamus<BR>
There will be a great hot magma uprising, the seas shall split.<BR>
Two mountains will form one of solid rock the other grains of sand.<BR>
The sand will blow away in the wind while the rock stands firm.<BR>
The blade is sharp, gods will fall!

I'm a newb and a nobody really.<BR><BR>But here's a couple of things to take away.<BR><BR>We all know Va'Dynn's spawn cycle.<BR><BR>We (now) know that two guilds at least (and who knows when a coalition of smaller guilds might also think) feel that they can take Va'Dynn.<BR><BR>Heck, DC even knows more or less when Temerity will likely be assembling for the kill (weekends mught be different, etc.).<BR><BR>So stop worrying about who has what scheduled. DC schedules their peeps. Temerity schedules ours. Temerity shows up and DC is engaged with VD, fine. Temerity leaves (or maybe waits to see that DC is successful). If Temerity shows up and is ready to go but DC isn't (even if they are there already), then DC gets out of the way and lets Temerity try. Temerity fails, DC (assuming they are ready) gives it shot.<BR><BR>Look, had DC not left last night. Temerity would have continued to assemble. When we were ready, we'd have moved in to take VD (probably with an OOC announcement that we were “Pulling Va'Dynn, stand clear” or something).<BR><BR>The real issue that I am worried about, personally, is when both of us show up and think we're ready at the same time and one guild (much to the chagrin of the other) moves in. Then what happens?<BR><BR>Also, if I were able to engage the leadership of both guilds, I would ask them to agree on First in Force but also discuss what to do about “failed” attempts.<BR><BR>I think THAT might be where any real animosity migth arise.<BR><BR>Vector<BR>Temerity's Weakest Cleric<br /><br /><br />The person formerly known as Vector

ok my turn for my two cents (keep in mind its my personal opinion doesnt reflected DC, having said that saying anything i say is my right as an american citizen, the country i live in)<br />ok yes we did try for Va Dyn Weds night. didnt kill it. was gonna try it thursday. didnt do it becuase WE FOUND OUT temerity planned it. we had actually (if memeory serves right) planned to kill him sunday night. i was moving all day rushed home to join the raid, would have used the nitrous in my car .......if i had nitrous, only to discover that temerity had already killed him. did Temerity know we where gonna go after Va Dyn sunday? im assuming no. no big deal you guys didnt know just like from what i have talked to alot of the non officer guildies, we didnt know you had it planed for thursday, cant speak for the rest of the guildies, but i dont come to tem website, hell i didnt even know what the site name waas till last night. seeing as how we are a small server i would think a compromise could be reached if we could stop sitting around like a bunch of pre schoolers waiting on nap time to be over so we can get our cookie , (and i mean that about BOTH guildes), personally i would like to see an agreement to be made, when i wass in THG i thought it was so cool how Tem and DC reached an agreement on Lodi, it showed to me alot of nobility on both parts. there are quiet a few tem memebers that i havent really grouped with or only grouped with a few times had enjoy talking to, IE clarity (cuase Clarity is so nice and rocks) nuitary, aarlo, tofu, and Kandyl And vector ......well we go way back. alot of people are geting a little pissy about this and i know none of you are 12, if a comprimise cant be reached, then fuck it its a big norrath out there, if your planning a raid then plan an ALTERNATIVE target. in case the other guild is raiding, and i post this here also becuase i know alot of DC people are checking this out. I mean personally im along for the ride yeah uber gear is great, as an enchanter KEI would be so awesome.......... but you know what i have a great time raiding and soling and just talking in tells to people. ITS A FUCKING GAME. ITS THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE THIS GAME FUN. thats why i didnt even bother applying to tem when i was thinking about leaving THG cuase i had a blast grouping with the DC people.........Tem never bothered inviting me on anything and for the most part have only had a few good encounters with tem people, and thats with the ones listed above. as to where DC they always invited me on things, saw that i needed some help to grow as a chanter and offered it, as to wear i grouped with a few (nifrum i think was the pally and dude you are a mad man<img src="/forums/images/gpicons/face_happy.gif"> ) in fungus grove one time as to where DC invited me on raids, groups and took me to zones i didnt know existed. and now im rambling but the thing is both guilds are great, both guildes have great people, why we seem to fueding and cant act like the adults i know we are is becoming beyond me, jan came here and asked a simple question, rude comments have been made about the question from what i see as non raid Tem officers. i might be wrong , but i think aarlo is the raid officer for Temerity, so wouldnt since be made for Aarlo and Nolan to sit down and make an Attempt at a comprimise? i know alot of DC people would like to see a comprimise and we dont want to have to get militant and demand our people to drop what they are doing, demand they be at a zone at a certain time just so we can beat Temerity. to me that sounds like a big game of capture the flag, keep in mind im a little rusty on that game seeing as how i havent played with it in at least 16 or 17 years. it basically sounds to me like we are resulting to "oh well billys group is begining to get over to that part of the playground.....let all drop what we are doing and go do it now cuase we were gona go there in a few hours" i mean WTF mate?<br /><br /><br />im done joining in this childish he said she said bullshit.<br /><br />Aarlo seems to have a cool head on this <br />before words are said and fingers are pointed please sit down with nolan one day soon talk this out like civiliased people becuase i believe that with a severer our side we dont have to rely on SoE's first with force rule, cuase there are only two competitors here. as to were PC side there would be 6 or 7 , to which yeah i would see a first with force policy being needed. but when its only two....come on people lets stop with the hair pulling. with this being said.........Temerity your a rocking guild and I congratulate you on all your success, DC your a rocking Guild and we will continue to rock. and lets all rock together and with unity as a UNIFIED server.<br /><br />just my two cents and im done now. sorry to type so much<br />

oh shit didnt relized i typed that much sorry about not putting that into you know paragraph form, didnt mean for it to go that far lol<br />

This is officially a dead horse with too much inflamitory commentary now. If anyone has something positive to ad, Private Message it to me and I will post it and give you credit. <br /><br />Thread Locked.<br /><br /><br />-Cadsuane<BR><FONT color=darkred>Holy necromancer of jebus</FONT>

Wow - it has come a long way from being civilized. Zatrik - Cads - if you want it that way - that is fine - I just thought we would have a better game (server-wide) if we sould be two different guilds and work together.<br /><br />What the fuck would have happened if a merger took place. LOL. <br /><br />Two guilds can't even get along, even when supposed friends try to work it out?<br /><br /><br />My Cuse went down like a Lead Zeppelin.

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