03-10-2008, 04:28 PM
All the computer RPG's owe a huge debt to Gary Gygax and Dungeons & Dragons. I've been involved in a 3rd edition D&D campaign for over 4 years now; the rules changed substantially from AD&D back in the day (25 years ago when I first played). And yes, I'm a geek. If running science fiction conventions and playing MMO's didn't already prove that, I'm not sure what would.
If anyone is interested, WotC is in the process of doing a major rules re-write now for 4th edition. They are taking some ideas from the MMO's, such as defined class roles, in order to help make the classes distinct from each other and to help people newer to the game build a balanced party. The roles will be Defender (tank), Striker (DPS), Controller (CC and utility spells), and Leader (healing, group buffs). Despite their roles, all the classes are supposed to have something useful to do in combat, unlike current editions where the wizard sits around twiddling his thumbs once he's run out of spells for the day.
Needless to say the changes are favored by some people, and totally opposed by others. The rules come out in June, so we'll have to see what the game is like. It should be easier to learn and more fun to play if they did it right. So far the reviews from playtesters has been very positive. For info the best site to read is ENWorld. There's a bunch of stuff about online tools and such, but a lot of that isn't being done for the Mac. I'm only interested in the books myself.
/lurk on
All the computer RPG's owe a huge debt to Gary Gygax and Dungeons & Dragons. I've been involved in a 3rd edition D&D campaign for over 4 years now; the rules changed substantially from AD&D back in the day (25 years ago when I first played). And yes, I'm a geek. If running science fiction conventions and playing MMO's didn't already prove that, I'm not sure what would.

If anyone is interested, WotC is in the process of doing a major rules re-write now for 4th edition. They are taking some ideas from the MMO's, such as defined class roles, in order to help make the classes distinct from each other and to help people newer to the game build a balanced party. The roles will be Defender (tank), Striker (DPS), Controller (CC and utility spells), and Leader (healing, group buffs). Despite their roles, all the classes are supposed to have something useful to do in combat, unlike current editions where the wizard sits around twiddling his thumbs once he's run out of spells for the day.
Needless to say the changes are favored by some people, and totally opposed by others. The rules come out in June, so we'll have to see what the game is like. It should be easier to learn and more fun to play if they did it right. So far the reviews from playtesters has been very positive. For info the best site to read is ENWorld. There's a bunch of stuff about online tools and such, but a lot of that isn't being done for the Mac. I'm only interested in the books myself.
/lurk on
⢠Socratus Wittgenstein - Retired.
⢠Zinovya - Human Cleric...err...Holy Paladin
⢠Dominica - Draenei Mage
Shield of Azeroth, Alleria
And thereâs a hand my trusty friend! And gives a hand oâ thine!
And weâll take a right good-will draught, for auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
Weâll tak a cup oâ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.
⢠Zinovya - Human Cleric...err...Holy Paladin
⢠Dominica - Draenei Mage
Shield of Azeroth, Alleria
And thereâs a hand my trusty friend! And gives a hand oâ thine!
And weâll take a right good-will draught, for auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
Weâll tak a cup oâ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.